Master Thesis: Visual Prototyping of Audio Applications

@PhdThesis{ AucouturierThesis,
	author = {Aucouturier, J.},
	year = {2006},
	title = {Ten Experiments on the Modelling of Polyphonic Timbre},
	school = {University of Paris 6/Sony CSL Paris}

@inProceedings{ LetzJack,
	author = {Davis, P. and Letz, S. and Fober D. and Orlarey, Y.},
	title = {Jack Audio Server: MacOSX port and multi-processor version},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the first Sound and Music Computing conference - SMC04},
	pages = {177--183},
	year = {2004}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergBencinaPatternsICMC05,
	author = {R. Dannenberg and R. Bencina},
	title = {Design Patterns for Real-Time Computer Music Systems},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2006 International Music Conference (ICMC '88)},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {},
	year = {2005},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@inProceedings{ AdaptivePipeline,
	author = {Posnak, E. J. Lavander, R. G. and Harrick M.},
	title = {Adaptive pipeline: an object structural pattern for adaptive applications.},
	year = {1996},
	booktitle = {The 3rd Pattern Languages of Programming conference},
	address = {Monticello, IL, USA}

@Book{ VlissidesPatternHatching,
	author = {John Vlissides},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Pattern Hatching, Desing Patterns Applied}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ RealTimePatterns,
	author = {Bruce Powel Doublass},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {Real-Time Design Patterns},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-PatternsEssential,
	key = {www-PatternsEssential},
	optauthor = {Brad Appleton},
	title = {Pattern and Software: Essential Concepts and Terminology,},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Electronic{ www-CLAM,
	key = {www-CLAM},
	optauthor = {CLAM},
	title = {CLAM website},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {},
	url = {}

@inProceedings{ CLAMAnnotator,
	author = {Amatriain, X. and Massaguer, J. and Garcia, D. and Mosquera, I. },
	title = {The CLAM Annotator: A Cross-platform Audio Descriptors Editing Tool},
	year = {2005},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval},
	address = {London, UK}

@InProceedings{ xamatICMC05,
	author = {Amatriain, X. and Arumí, P.},
	title = {Developing Cross-platform Audio and Music Applications with the CLAM Framework},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2005 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'05)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2005},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	note = {in press},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ AmatriainThesis,
	author = {Amatriain, X.},
	year = {2004},
	title = {An Object-Oriented Metamodel for Digital Signal Processing},
	school = {Universitat Pompeu Fabra}

@Book{ 3AmigosUMLReference,
	author = {J. Rumbaugh and I. Jacobson and G. Booch},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ 3AmigosUMLUserGuide,
	author = {G. Booch and J. Rumbaugh and I. Jacobson},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Unified Language User Guide}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ 3AmigosUnifiedProcess,
	author = {I. Jacobson and G. Booch G. and J. Rumbaugh},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Unified Software Development Process}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ AamodtPlazaCBR,
	author = {A. Aamodt and E. Plaza},
	title = {{Case-Based Reasoning: Foundational Issues, Methodoligacal Variations, and System Approaches}},
	booktitle = {{AICom - Artificial Intelligence Communications}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {39-59},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {7},
	number = {1},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ AbadiCardelliObjectTheory,
	author = {M. Abadi and L. Cardelli},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{A Theory of Objets}},
	publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {New York},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ AbbotObjectsFromEnglish,
	author = {R.J. Abbot},
	title = {Program Design by Informal English Descriptions},
	journal = {Program Design by Informal English Descriptions},
	year = {1983},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {26},
	number = {11},
	pages = {882-894},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ AckermannAudioVideoInMET,
	author = {P. Ackermann},
	title = {{Prototypes for Audio and Video Processing in a Scientific Visualization Environment based on the MET++ Multimedia Application Framework}},
	institution = {Swiss Scientific Computing Center of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ AckermannMET++Time,
	author = {P. Ackermann},
	title = {{Direct Manipulation of Temporal Structures in a Multimedia Application Framework}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1994 ACM Multimedia Conference}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ AckermannMETICMC,
	author = {P. Ackermann},
	title = {{Design and Implementation of an Object Oriented Media Composition Framework}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference ICMC94}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ AckoffBehaviouralCommunication,
	author = {R.L. Ackoff},
	editor = {W. Buckley},
	title = {{Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist, A Sourcebook}},
	chapter = {Towards a Behavioural Theory of Communication},
	publisher = {Aldine Publishing Company},
	year = {1969},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Chicago},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ AdairBuildingOOFrameworks,
	author = {D. Adair},
	title = {{Building Object-Oriented Frameworks (Part 1)}},
	journal = {{AIXpert}},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {February},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ AghaActors,
	author = {G. Agha},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Actors: A model of concurrent computation in Distributed Systems}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Cambridge, MA},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ AhituvMetamodelInformationFlow,
	author = {N. Ahituv},
	title = {{A Metamodel of Information Flow: a Tool to Support Information Systems Theory}},
	booktitle = {{Communications of the ACM}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1987},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {30},
	number = {9},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ AlabisoTransformingDataFlowtoOO,
	author = {B. Alabiso},
	title = {{Transformation of Data Flow Analysis Models to Object Oriented Design}},
	booktitle = {{Sigplan Notices}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {335-353},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1988},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {23},
	number = {11},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ AlbrechtSystematicFrameworkDesign,
	author = {H. A. Schmid},
	title = {{Systematic Framework Design by Generalization (How to deduce a hot spot implementation from its specification)}},
	booktitle = {{Communications of the ACM}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {40},
	number = {10},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {October},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Alexandrescu,
	author = {A. Alexandrescu},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Modern C++ Design}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley, Pearson Education},
	year = {2001},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Algorithms,
	author = {R. Sedgewick},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Algorithms}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1988},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {Reading, Massachusetts},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ AlluisiCommunicationMetrics,
	author = {E.A. Alluisi},
	editor = {K.B. DeGreene},
	title = {{Systems Psychology}},
	chapter = {Information and Uncertainty: The Metrics of Communications},
	publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
	year = {1970},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ AlternateRealityKit,
	author = {R.B. Smith},
	title = {{The Alternate Reality Kit: An Example of the Tension between Literalism and Magi bla bla blac}},
	journal = {{Computer Graphics and Applications}},
	year = {1987},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {7},
	number = {9},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ AmblerAgileMDD,
	author = {S. W. Ambler},
	title = {{Agile Model Driven Development Is Good Enough}},
	journal = {{IEEE Software}},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ AndersonCognition,
	author = {J.R. Anderson},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Architecture of Cognition}},
	publisher = {Harvard University Press},
	year = {1983},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Cambridge, Massachusets},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ AndersonComputerMusicSystem,
	author = {D. P. Anderson and R. Kuivila},
	title = {{A System for Computer Music Performance}},
	journal = {{ACM Transactions on Computer Systems}},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {8},
	number = {1},
	pages = {56-82},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ AndersonRealTimeComputerMusic,
	author = {D. Anderson and R. Kuivila},
	title = {{A Model of Real-Time Computation of Computer Music}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1986 International Music Conference (ICMC '86)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {35-41},
	year = {1986},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ AnderssonArchitectureHandbook,
	author = {B. Andersson},
	title = {{Workshop Report - Towards an Architecture Handbook. OOPSLA '92:Attendum to the Proceedings}},
	booktitle = {{OOPSLA Messenger}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {109-114},
	year = {1993},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {4},
	number = {2},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {April},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ArcosFuzzyandCBR,
	author = {J.L. Arcos and R. López de Mántaras},
	title = {{Combining Fuzzy and Case-Based Reasoning to Generate Human-like Music Performances}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty Congress (IPMU-2000)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Madrid},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {to be published in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Verlag.2000},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ AwadOOforRealTime,
	author = {M. Awad and J. Kuusela and J. Ziegler},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Technology for Real-Time Systems}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ BETALanguage,
	title = {{Object-Oriented Programming in the BETA Programming Language}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {O.L. Madsen and B. Moller-Pedersen and K. Nygaard},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BOOK2onOOKnowledge,
	author = {B. Henderson-Sellers},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{BOOK TWO of Object Oriented Knowledge: The Working Object}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BOOKonOOKnowledge,
	author = {B. Henderson-Sellers},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{A BOOK of Object Oriented Knowledge}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BaisneeEsquisse,
	author = {P.F. Baisnee},
	title = {{Esquisse: A Compositional Environment}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1988 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BartonMetamodelingReview,
	author = {R. Barton},
	title = {{Metamodeling: A State of the Art review}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1994 Winter Simulation Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BartonMetamodelsForInputOutput,
	author = {R. Barton},
	title = {{Metamodels for Simulation Input-Output Relations}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1992 Winter Simulation Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1992},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BastideOOPetriNets,
	author = {R. Bastide},
	title = {Approaches in Unifying Petri Nets and the Object-Oriented Approach},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995 - Workshop on Object-Oriented Programming and Models of Concurrency},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BateUNISON,
	author = {J. Bate},
	title = {{UNISON - A Real-Time Interactive System for Digital Sound Synthesis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '90)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {172-174},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Unpublished{ BeckMetaphorMetaphor,
	author = {K. Beck},
	title = {{The Metaphor Metaphor}},
	note = {Invited Talk at the 2002 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA '02)},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2002},
	address = {Seattle, Washington},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BeckPatternsGenerate,
	author = {K. Beck and R.E. Johnson},
	title = {{Patterns Generate Architectures}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Bologna, Italy},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BeckXP,
	author = {K. Beck},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Extreme Programming Explained}},
	publisher = {Addison Wesley},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BencinaAudioMulchOasisRose,
	author = {R. Bencina},
	title = {{Oasis Rose the Composition - Real-time DSP with AudioMulch}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Australian Computer Music Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Camberra},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BencinaPortAudio,
	author = {R. Bencina and P. Burk},
	title = {{Port Audio: an Open Source Cross Platform Audio API}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2001 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '01)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Associaciation},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BencinaPortAudio03,
	author = {R. Bencina},
	title = {Port Audio and Media Synchronization},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2003 Australasian Computer Music Association (ACMC'03)},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ BenevisteDataflowSynchronous,
	author = {A.Beneviste and P. Caspi and P. Le Guernic and N. Halbwachs},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{ A Decade of Concurrency - Reflections and Perspectives, Lectures Notes in Computer Science no.803}},
	chapter = {Data-flow Synchronous Languages},
	publisher = {Springer Verlag},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Berlin},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BeyondMIDI,
	author = {E. Selfridge-Field},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Beyond Midi, The Handbook of Musical Codes}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Bionics,
	author = {Lucien Gerardin},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Bionics}},
	publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
	year = {1968},
	url = {{}},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ BoochDesigningFrameworks,
	author = {G. Booch},
	title = {{Designing an Application Framework}},
	journal = {{Dr. Dobb's Journal}},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {19},
	number = {2},
	pages = {24},
	month = {February},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BoochOODesign,
	author = {G. Booch},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications}},
	publisher = {Benjamin/Cummings},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second Edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ BoschFrameworksProblemsExperiences,
	author = {J. Bosch and M. Molin and M. Mattson and P. Bengtsson},
	editor = {ME Fayad and DC Schmidt and RE Johnson},
	title = {{Building Application Frameworks}},
	chapter = {Object-oriented frameworks - Problems \& Experiences},
	publisher = {Wiley and Sons},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ BouldingGeneralSystemTheory,
	author = {K.E. Boulding},
	editor = {W. Buckley},
	title = {{Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist, A Sourcebook}},
	chapter = {General Systems Theory - The Skeleton of Science},
	publisher = {Aldine Publishing Company},
	year = {1969},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Chicago},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BoyntonGraphicalFORMES,
	author = {L. Boynton et al},
	title = {{Adding a Graphical interface to FORMES}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1986 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '86)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1986},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BoyntonMIDILisp,
	author = {L. Boynton et al.},
	title = {{MIDI-Lisp: A LISP-Based Music Programming Environment for the Macintosh}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1986 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '86)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1986},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BrandtLowLatency,
	author = {E. Brandt and R. Dannenberg},
	title = {{Low-latency Music Software Using Off-the-Shelf Operating Systems}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {137-140},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BrandtTemporalICMC-00,
	author = {E. Brandt},
	title = {{Temporal Type Constructors for Computer Music Programming}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '00)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BrandtTemporalICMC-01,
	author = {E. Brandt},
	title = {{Implementing Temporal Type Constructors for Music Programming}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2001 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '01)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ BrandtTemporalTypeConstructors,
	author = {E. Brandt},
	title = {{Temporal Type Constructors for Computer Music Programming}},
	school = {School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Pittsburgh, USA},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BrandtTimeInDistributedSystems,
	author = {E. Brandt},
	title = {{Time in Distributed Real-Time Systems}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '99)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BregmanCASA,
	author = {A.S. Bregman},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Auditory Scene Analysis: the Perceptual Organization of Sound}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Cambridge, MA,},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BresinArticulationRules,
	author = {R. Bresin},
	title = {{Articulation Rules for Automatic Music Performance}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2001 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 01)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {International Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ BresinNeuralNetworks,
	author = {R. Bresin},
	title = {{Artificial Neural Networks Based Models for Automatic Performance of Musical Scores}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {27},
	number = {3},
	pages = {239-270},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ BressinArticulationPiano,
	author = {R. Bresin and G.U. Battel},
	title = {{Articulation Strategies in Expressive Piano Performance}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {29},
	number = {3},
	pages = {221-224},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ BrownConstantQTransform,
	author = {J.C. Brown},
	title = {{Calculation of a Constant Q Spectral Transform}},
	journal = {{Journal of the Acoustic Society of America}},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {89},
	OPTnumber = {1},
	OPTpages = {425-434},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BrueggeOOSoftwareEngineering,
	author = {B. Bruegge and A.H. Dutoit},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Conquering Complex and Changing Systems}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ BuckTokenFlow,
	author = {J. Buck and E. A. Lee},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Advanced Topics in Dataflow Computing and Multithreading}},
	chapter = {The Token Flow Model},
	publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BuddOOProgramming,
	author = {T. Budd},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ BurkJSyn,
	author = {P. Burk},
	title = {{JSyn- A Real-time Synthesis API for Java}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Associaciation},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ BuschmanPatternOrientedArchitecture,
	author = {F. Buschman and R. Meunier and H. Rohnert and P. Sommerlad and M. Stal},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture - A System of Patterns}},
	publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ButchGesturalMapping,
	author = {J. Butch Rovan and M. Wanderlay and S. Dubnov and P. Depalle},
	title = {{Instrumental Gestural Mapping Strategies as Expressivity Determinants in Computer Music Performance}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of Kansei- The Technology of Emotion Workshop}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Genova},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ BuxtonHierarchyInComputerMusic,
	ALTauthor = {W. Buxton and W. Reeves and L. Mezei},
	ALTeditor = {C. Roads and J. Strawn},
	title = {{Foundations of Computer Music}},
	chapter = {The Use of Hierarchy and Instance in a Data Structure for Computer Music},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1985},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {443-466},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ C++Performance,
	author = {M.J. O'Riordan},
	title = {{Technical Report on C++ Performance}},
	institution = {ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	number = {N1396},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ CMM,
	author = {G. Philipsen},
	editor = {D.Cuschman and B. Kovocic},
	title = {Watershed Research Traditions in Human Communications Theory},
	chapter = {The Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory of Pearce, Cronenn and Associates},
	publisher = {State University of New York Press},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {13-43},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ CamurriMusicContentProcessing,
	author = {A. Camurri},
	title = {{Music Content Processing And Multimedia: Case Studies and Emerging Applications of Intelligent Interactive Systems}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {28},
	number = {4},
	pages = {351-363},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ CaseySoundRecognitioninMPEG7,
	author = {M. Casey},
	title = {{MPEG-7 Sound-Recognition Tools}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}},
	year = {2001},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {11},
	number = {6},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {June},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CaughlinAutomatingMetamodelling,
	author = {D. Caughlin},
	title = {{Automating the Metamodeling Process}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 Winter Simulation Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ChaiUserModels,
	author = {W. Chai and B. Vercoe},
	title = {{Using User Models in Information Retrieval Systems}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 00)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {October},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ChampeauxComparingMethods,
	author = {D. de Champeaux and P. Fare},
	title = {{A comparative study of object-oriented analysis methods}},
	journal = {{Journal of Object Oriented Programming}},
	year = {1992},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {21-33},
	month = {March/April},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ ChampeauxOO,
	author = {D. de Champeaux},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-oriented Development Process and Metrics}},
	publisher = {Prentince Hall},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ ChampeauxOOSystemDevelopment,
	author = {D. de Champeaux and D. Lea and P. Faure},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {Object-Oriented System Development},
	publisher = {Addison Wesley},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ChaudrayOSW,
	author = {A. Chaudhary and A. Freed and M. Wright},
	title = {{An Open Architecture for Real-Time Audio Processing Software}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 107th Convention}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ChenReuseAndFrameworks,
	author = {D.J. Chen and D.T.K. Chen},
	title = {{An experimental study of using reusable software design frameworks to achieve software reuse}},
	journal = {{Journal of Object-Oriented Programming}},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {May},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ CherryHistoryOfInformationComunication,
	author = {E.C. Cherry},
	title = {{The Communication of Information-An Historical Review}},
	journal = {{American Scientist}},
	year = {1952},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {40},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {640-656},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ CherryHumanCommunication,
	author = {E.C. Cherry},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{On Human Communication}},
	publisher = {Wiley},
	year = {1957},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {New York},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ChiariglioneValueContent,
	author = {L. Chiariglione},
	title = {{The Value of Content}},
	journal = {{Technology Reviews}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {March},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ChildersVocalTract,
	author = {D.G. Childers},
	title = {{Measuring and Modeling Vocal Source-Tract}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering}},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@article{ DonaldCepstrum,
	author = { Donald G. Childers and David P. Skinner and Robert C. Kemerait},
	title = {The Cepstrum: A Guide to Processing},
	journal = { Proceedings of the IEEE},
	volume = {65},
	number = {10},
	month = {October},
	year = {1977}

@Book{ ChionGuideDesObjectsSonores,
	author = {M. Chion},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Guide des Objets Sonores. Pierre Schaeffer et la Reserche Musicale}},
	publisher = {INA-GRM/BUCHET},
	year = {1983},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Chastel},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CmixICMC96,
	author = {A. Riddell and R. Bencina},
	title = {Cmix on non-UNIX Platforms},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 96)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CmixLanski90,
	author = {P. Lanski},
	title = {The Architecture and Musical Logic and Cmix},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 90)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ CoadOOAnalysis,
	author = {P. Coad and E. Yourdon},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Analysis}},
	publisher = {Yourdon Press (Prentice-Hall)},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second Edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ CockburnAgile,
	author = {A. Cockburn},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Agile Software Development}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ CointeFormesOOConcurrentProgramming,
	ALTauthor = {P. Cointe and J.P. Briot and B.Serpette},
	ALTeditor = {A. Yonezawa and M. Tokoro},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Concurrent Programming}},
	chapter = {{The FORMES Language: a Musical Application of Object Oriented Concurrent Programming}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1987},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {221-258},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CollopiVisualMusic,
	author = {F. Collopy and R. M. Fuhrer and D. Jameson},
	title = {{Visual Music in a Visual Programming Language}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {11-118},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Tokio, Japan},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CookChuck,
	author = {G. Wang and P. Cook},
	title = {{ChucK: A Concurrent, On-the-fly, Audio Programming Language}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ CookOOSystemDesign,
	author = {S. Cook and J. Daniels},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Designing Object Systems}},
	publisher = {Prentice Hall},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Hemel Hempstead, England},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CookSTK96,
	author = {P. Cook},
	title = {{Synthesis Toolkit in C++}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1996 SIGGRAPH}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ CookSTK99,
	author = {P. Cook and G. Scavone},
	title = {{The Synthesis Toolkik (STK)}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC99)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Beijing, China},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ CookSTKDocumentation,
	title = {{STK software documentation}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {P. Cook and G. Scavone},
	OPTorganization = {},
	address = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ CookSkini,
	title = {{Synthesis toolKit Instrument Network Interface (SKINI) 0.9 Implementation notes}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {P. Cook},
	organization = {Princeton University},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2004},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {},
	url = {}

@Book{ CoplienPatterns,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {J.O. Coplien and D. Schmidt},
	title = {{Pattern Languages of Program Design}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ CoxOOProgramming,
	author = {B.J. Cox},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach}},
	publisher = {Addison Wesley},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ CoxSplineInterpolation,
	author = {M.G. Cox},
	title = {{An Algorithm for Approximating Convex Functions by means of First-degree Splines}},
	journal = {{Computer Journal}},
	year = {1971},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {14},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {272-275},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ CrawfordSimulation,
	author = {M.P. Crawford},
	title = {{Dimensions of Simulation}},
	journal = {{American Psychologist}},
	year = {1966},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {21},
	number = {8},
	pages = {788-796},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ Cuidado,
	author = {H. Vinet and P. Herrera and F. Pachet},
	title = {The Cuidado Project},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR 2002)},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ DahlNygaardSimula,
	author = {O. Dahl and K. Nygaard},
	title = {{Simula: An Algol-based Simulation Language}},
	booktitle = {{Communications of the ACM}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1966},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {9},
	number = {9},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DanksGEM,
	author = {M. Danks},
	title = {{Real-time image and video processing in GEM}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 International Music Conference (ICMC '97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {220-223},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergAuraICMC,
	author = {R. B. Dannenberg and E. Brandt},
	title = {{A Portable, High-Performance System for Interactive Audio Processing}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC96)}},
	pages = {270-273},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {International Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergAuraICMC04,
	author = {R.B. Dannenberg},
	title = {Combining Visual and Textual Representations for Flexible Interactive Audio Signal Processing},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2004 International Computer Music Conferenc (ICMC'04)}},
	year = {2004},
	note = {in press}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergAuraICMC96,
	author = {R. B. Dannenberg and E. Brandt},
	title = {{A Flexible Real-Time Software Synthesis System}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC96)}},
	pages = {270-273},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergCMU,
	author = {R.B. Dannenberg},
	title = {{The CMU MIDI Toolkit}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1986 International Computer Music Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1986},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ DannenbergCanon,
	author = {R.B. Dannenberg},
	title = {{The Canon Score Language}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {13},
	number = {1},
	pages = {47-56},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ DannenbergInstrumentAndPerformanceModels,
	author = {R.B. Dannenberg and I. Dereny},
	title = {{Combining Instrument and Performance Models for High-Quality Music Synthesis}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {27},
	number = {3},
	pages = {211-238},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergNyquist,
	author = {R.B. Dannenberg},
	title = {{The Implementation of Nyquist, a Sound Synthesis Language}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '93)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {168-171},
	year = {1993},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DannenbergWICMC,
	author = {R. B. Dannenberg and D. Rubine},
	title = {{Toward Modular, Portable. Real-Time Software}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1995 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC95)}},
	pages = {65-72},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {International Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ DarnellHummanCommunication,
	author = {D. Darnell},
	editor = {R. Budd and B. Ruben},
	title = {{Approaches to Human Communication}},
	publisher = {Spartan Books},
	year = {1972},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {New York},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DavidXML,
	author = {D. Garcia and X. Amatrian},
	title = {{XML as a means of control for audio processing, synthesis and analysis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the MOSART Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ DeGreeneSystemsAnalysis,
	author = {K.B. DeGreene},
	editor = {K.B. DeGreene},
	title = {{System Analysis}},
	chapter = {Systems and Psychology},
	publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
	year = {1970},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ DeGreeneSystemsPsychology,
	author = {K.B. DeGreene},
	editor = {K.B. DeGreene},
	title = {{Systems Psychology}},
	chapter = {{Systems and Psychology}},
	publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
	year = {1970},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ DePoliExpressiveViolin,
	author = {G. De Poli and A. Roda and A. Vidolin},
	title = {{Note-by-note Analysis of the Influence of Expressive Intentions and Musical Structure in Violin Performance}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {27},
	number = {3},
	pages = {293-321},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle00a,
	author = {F. Déchelle},
	title = {{jMax : Un environnement pour la réalisation d'applications musicales sur Linux}},
	booktitle = {{Journées d'Informatique musicale}},
	address = {Bordeaux, France},
	month = {Mai},
	year = {2000}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle00b,
	author = {F. Déchelle and R. Borghesi and N. Orio and N. Schnell},
	title = {{The jMax environment: an overview of new features}},
	booktitle = {{ICMC: International Computer Music Conference}},
	address = {Allemagne, Berlin},
	year = {2000}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle03a,
	author = {F. Déchelle},
	title = {{Various IRCAM Free Software: jMax and OpenMusic}},
	booktitle = {{Linux Audio Developers Meeting}},
	address = {Karlsruhe, Allemagne},
	month = {Mars},
	year = {2003}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle03b,
	author = {F. Déchelle and P. Tisserand},
	title = {{Free software at IRCAM: jMax, OpenMusic}},
	booktitle = {AGNULA - Bring Your Own Laptop},
	address = {Prato, Italie},
	year = {2003}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle98a,
	author = {F. Déchelle and R. Borghesi and M. de Cecco and E. Maggi and J. B. Rovan and N. Schnell},
	title = {{jMax: a new JAVA-based Editing and Control System for Real-time Musical Applications}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference(ICMC '98)}},
	optaddress = {Ann Arbor, USA},
	month = {October},
	year = {1998}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle98c,
	author = {F. Déchelle and R. Borghesi and M. de Cecco and E. Maggi and J. B. Rovan and N. Schnell},
	title = {{jMax: Demonstration of an Integrated Environment for Real Time Musical Applications}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference(ICMC '98)}},
	optaddress = {Ann Arbor, USA},
	month = {Octobre},
	year = {1998}

@inproceedings{ Dechelle99a,
	author = {F. Déchelle and R. Borghesi and M. de Cecco and E. Maggi and J. B. Rovan and N. Schnell},
	title = {{jMax Recent Developments}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference(ICMC '99)}},
	address = {Pekin, Chine},
	month = {Septembre},
	year = {1999}

@article{ Dechelle99c,
	author = {F. Déchelle and R. Borghesi and M. de Cecco and E. Maggi and J. B. Rovan and N. Schnell},
	editor = {Doug Kieslar},
	title = {{jMax: An Environment for Real-Time Musical Applications}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	volume = {23-3},
	pages = {50-58},
	year = {1999}

@InProceedings{ DepalleHMMTracking,
	author = {Ph. Depalle and G. Garcia and X. Rodet},
	title = {{Analysis of Sound for Additive Synthesis: Tracking of Partials Using Hidden Markov Models}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1993 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 93)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1993},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DepalleSPP,
	author = {Ph. Depalle and T. Hélie},
	title = {{Extraction of Spectral Peak Parameters using a Short-Time Fourier Transform Modeling and no Sidelobe Windows}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA '97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Monhonk},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ DeutschReuseFramework,
	author = {L.P. Deutsch},
	title = {{Design Reuse and Frameworks in the Smalltalk-80 Programming Language}},
	booktitle = {{Software Reusability}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {55-71},
	publisher = {ACM Press},
	year = {1989},
	editor = {T. J. Biggerstaff and A. J. Perlis},
	volume = {II},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ DevedzicUnderstandingOntology,
	author = {V. Devedzic},
	title = {{Understanding Ontological Engineering}},
	journal = {{Communications of the ACM}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {45},
	number = {4},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {April},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DiFedericoSingingSynth,
	author = {R. Di Federico and C. Drioli},
	title = {{An Integrated System for the Analysis-Modification-Resynthesis of Singing}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of IEEE SMC98 Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {1254-1259},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ DienerTTrees,
	author = {G. Diener},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {TTrees: A Tool for the Compositional Environment},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {157-170},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DijkContextAwareProcessNetworks,
	author = {H. W. van Dijk and H. J. Sips and Ed F. Deprettere},
	title = {{On Context-aware Process Networks}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mobile Multimedia \& Applications (MMSA 2002))}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {December},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ DingQUASAR,
	author = {Y. Ding and X. Qian},
	title = {{Sinusoidal and Residual Decomposition and Residual Modeling of Musical Tones Using the QUASAR Signal Model}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ DukeOOMultimedia,
	author = {D.J. Duke and I. Herman},
	title = {{Programming Paradigns in an Object-oriented Multimedia Standard}},
	institution = {Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTaddress = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ EdwardsPatternForPullDriven,
	author = {S. Edwards},
	title = {{Streams: a Pattern for ``Pull-Driven}},
	booktitle = {{Pattern Languages of Program Design}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1995},
	editor = {J. O. Coplien and D. C. Schmidt},
	volume = {vol.1},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	chapter = {21},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ElvisAlignmentICMC,
	author = {A. Loscos and P. Cano and J. Bonada},
	title = {{Singing Voice Alignment to Text}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 99)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {199},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ElvisICMC,
	author = {P. Cano and A. Loscos and J. Bonada and M. de Boer and X. Serra},
	title = {{Voice Morphing System for Impersonating in Karaoke Applications}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '00)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@MastersThesis{ ElvisUPC,
	author = {P. Cano and A. Loscos},
	title = {{Singing Voice Morphing System based on SMS}},
	school = {Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ EmiliaEnhancingMPEG7,
	author = {Gómez, E. and Gouyon, F. and Herrera, P. and Amatriain, X.},
	title = {Using and enhancing the current MPEG-7 standard for a music content processing tool},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTbooktitle = {{Proceedings of Audio Engineering Society, 114th Convention}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ EmiliaJNMR,
	author = {E. Gómez and A. Klapuri and B. Meudic},
	title = {{Melody Description and Extraction in the Context of Music Content Processing}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ EmiliaMPEG7Cuidado,
	author = {Gómez, E. and Gouyon, F. and Herrera, P. and Amatriain, X. },
	title = {MPEG-7 for Content-based Music Processing},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of 4th WIAMIS-Special session on Audio Segmentation and Digital Music}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ EmiliaMelodicTransformations,
	author = {Gómez, E. and Peterschmitt, G. and Amatriain, X. and Herrera, P.},
	title = {Content-based melodic transformations of audio for a music processing application},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ EmiliaTabasco,
	author = {Gómez, E. and Grachten, M. and Amatriain, X. and Arcos, J.},
	title = {Melodic characterization of monophonic recordings for expressive tempo transformations},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2003}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@MastersThesis{ EricssonOOFrameworks,
	author = {N. Landis and A. Niklasson},
	title = {{Development of Object-Oriented Frameworks}},
	school = {Lund University},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ EvolvingFrameworksRobertsJohnson,
	author = {D. Roberts and R. Johnson},
	title = {Evolve Frameworks into Domain-Specific Languages},
	booktitle = {{Procedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Languages for Programming}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Monticelli, IL, USA},
	month = {September},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ FFTW98,
	author = {Frigo, Matteo and Johnson, Steven~G.},
	title = {{FFTW}: An adaptive software architecture for the {FFT}},
	booktitle = {Proc. 1998 IEEE Intl. Conf. Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing},
	pages = {1381--1384},
	year = {1998},
	volume = {3},
	publisher = {IEEE}

@Misc{ FSF,
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {{Free Software Foundation}},
	title = {{Gnu general public license (gpl) terms and conditions}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	optaddress = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ FitzBandwithEnhancedModel,
	author = {K. Fitz and L. Haken and P. Christensen},
	title = {{A New Algorithm for Bandwidth Association in Bandwidth-Enhanced Additive Sound Modeling}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2000)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ FletcherLoudness,
	author = {H. Fletcher and W.A. Munson},
	title = {{Loudness, its Definition, Measurement and Calculation}},
	journal = {{Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}},
	year = {1933},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {5},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {82-108},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ FogelCVS,
	author = {K. Fogel},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Open Source Development with CVS}},
	publisher = {CoriolisOpen Press},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@MastersThesis{ FooteOOFrameworks,
	author = {B. Foote},
	title = {{Designing to Facilitate Change With Object Oriented Frameworks}},
	school = {University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign},
	year = {1988},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ FooteReuse,
	author = {B. Foote and Yoder},
	title = {{Attracting Reuse}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Third Conference on Pattern Language of Programs}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTyear = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ FowlerOOAnalysis,
	author = {M. Fowler},
	title = {{Is there such a thing as Object-Oriented Analysis}},
	journal = {{Distributed Computing}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {October},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ FribergRulesForPerformance,
	author = {A. Friberg},
	title = {{A Quantitative Rule System for Musical Performance}},
	school = {KTH},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ FryFlavorsBand,
	author = {C. Fry},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Flavors Band: A Language for Specifying Musical Style},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {49-63},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ FuzzyFiltering,
	author = {M. Di Giura and N. Serina and G. Rizzotto},
	title = {{Adaptive Fuzzy Filtering for Audio Applications Using a Neuro-Fuzzy Modelization}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of hte 1997 International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ GOF,
	author = {E. Gamma and R. Helm and R. Johnson and J. Vlissides},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

author={Ken Beck},
title={Test Driven Development by Example},

@InBook{ GarlanSoftwareArchitecture,
	author = {D. Garlan and M. Shaw},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Advances in Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering}},
	chapter = {An introduction to Software Architecture},
	publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Company},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {1},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ GeneralSemantics,
	author = {Bruce Kodish},
	title = {Getting Off Hayakawa's Ladder},
	journal = {General Semantics Bulletin},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	number = {57},
	pages = {65-76},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ GoodwinResidualModeling,
	author = {M. Goodwin},
	title = {{Residual Modeling in Music Analysis-Synthesis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE-ICASSP}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Atlanta},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ GoodwinThesis,
	author = {M. Goodwin},
	title = {{Adaptative Signal Models: Theory, Algorithms and Audio Applications}},
	school = {University of California.},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Berkeley},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ GrahamOOMethods,
	author = {I. Graham},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object Oriented Methods}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ GrenierAnalogies,
	author = {R. Grenier},
	title = {{Learning by Understanding Analogies}},
	journal = {{Artificial Intelligence}},
	year = {1988},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {35},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {81-125},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ GriffinCommunicationTheory,
	author = {E. Griffin},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{A First Look at Communication Theory}},
	publisher = {McGraw-Hill, Inc.},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Third edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ GrossmanMusicCybernetics,
	author = {G. Grossman},
	title = {{Instruments, Cybernetics, and Computer Music}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1987 International Music Conference (ICMC '87)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1987},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Associaciation},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ HILN-MP4Parametric,
	author = {H. Purnhagen and N. Meine},
	title = {HILN - The MPEG-4 Parametric Audio Coding Tools},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of ISCAS 2000}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {May},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ HalbertTypesAndInheritance,
	author = {D.C. Halbert and P.D. O'Brien},
	title = {{Using Types and Inheritance in Object-oriented Programs}},
	journal = {{IEEE Software}},
	year = {1987},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ HallFagenDefinitionOfSystem,
	author = {A.D. Hall and R.E. Fagen},
	editor = {L. von Bertalanffy and A. Rapoport},
	title = {{Yearbook of the Society for the Advancement of General Systems Theory}},
	chapter = {{Definition of System}},
	publisher = {Ann Arbor},
	year = {1956},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {General Systems I},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {18-28},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ HanRealTimeScheduling,
	author = {C. Han and K. Lin and C. Hou},
	title = {{Distance-Constrained Scheduling and Its Application to Real-Time Systems}},
	journal = {{Communications of the ACM}},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {45},
	number = {7},
	pages = {814-126},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ HarrisWindow,
	author = {F.J. Harris},
	title = {{On the use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {51-83},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1978},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {66},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ HartmanPitch,
	author = {B. Hartman},
	title = {{Pitch, Periodicity, and Auditory Organization}},
	journal = {{Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {100},
	number = {6},
	OPTpages = {3491-3502},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ HebertJavelina,
	author = {K. J. Hebel},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Javelina: An Environment for Digital Signal Processor Software Development},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {171-187},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ HelmContractDrivenDesign,
	author = {R. Helm and I.M. Holland and D. Gangopadhyay},
	title = {{Contracts: Specifying Behavioural Compositions in Object-Oriented Systems}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1990 Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, SIGPLAN Notices}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {169-180},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {25},
	number = {10},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Vancouver, BC, Canada},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ HelmuthPATCHMIX,
	author = {M. Helmuth},
	title = {{PATCHMIX A C++ Interface to Cmix}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '90)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {273-275},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ HerreraInstrumentSegmentation,
	author = {P. Herrera and X. Amatriain and E. Batlle and X. Serra},
	title = {Towards Instrument Segmentation for Music Content Description: a Critical Review of Instrument Classification Techniques},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Music Information Retrieval},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ HerreraVibrato,
	author = {P. Herrera},
	title = {{Vibrato Extraction and Parameterization in the Spectral Modeling Synthesis Framework}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ HessPitch,
	author = {W. Hess},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Pitch Determination of Speech Signals}},
	publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	year = {1983},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {New York},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ HewitActors,
	author = {C. Hewit},
	title = {{Viewing control structures as patterns of passing messages}},
	journal = {{Journal of Artificial Intelligence}},
	year = {1977},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {8},
	number = {3},
	pages = {323-363},
	month = {June},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ HickeyCallbacks,
	author = {R. Hickey},
	title = {{Callbacks in C++ using Template Functors}},
	journal = {{C++ Report}},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ HolisticSoftwareReuse,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {E-A. Karlsson},
	title = {{Software Reuse, a Holistic Approach}},
	publisher = {Wiley and Sons},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ HoningPOCO,
	author = {H. Honing},
	title = {POCO: An Environment for Analysing, Modifying and Generating Expression in Music},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1990 International Music Conference (ICMC '90)},
	pages = {364-368},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ HumdrumManual,
	title = {The Humdrum Toolkit: Reference Manual},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {D. Huron},
	organization = {Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ JMAX,
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{jmax homepage}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ JacksonProblemFrames,
	author = {M. Jackson},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Problem Frames: Analyzing and Structuring Software Development Problems}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {2001},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ JacksonSoftwareRequirements,
	author = {M.A. Jackson},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Software Requirements and Specifications}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Harlow, England},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ JacobsonOOSoftwareEngineering,
	author = {I. Jacobson et al.},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach}},
	publisher = {ACM Press/Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1992},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ JanneckHigherOrderPetriNets,
	author = {J. W. Janneck and R. Esser},
	title = {Higher-order Petri net modelling - techniques and applications},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, Petri Nets 2002},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Adelaide, Australia},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ Javadoc,
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {Sun Microsystems},
	title = {How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool},
	howpublished = {Published online at},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ JeffeNeXTMusicKit,
	author = {D. Jaffe and L. Boynton},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {{An Overview of the Sound and Music Kits for the NeXT Computer}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {107-118},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@article{ Johnson-ACMCommunications1997,
	author = {R. E. Johnson},
	title = {{Frameworks = (Components + Patterns). How frameworks compare to other object-oriented reuse techniques.}},
	journal = {Communications of the ACM},
	number ={10},
	volume = {40},
	month ={October},
	year = {1997}

@InProceedings{ JohnsonComponents,
	author = {R. E. Johnson},
	title = {{Components, Frameworks, Patterns}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 symposium on Software reusability}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Unpublished{ JohnsonDesignFrameworksOOPSLATutorial,
	author = {R. E. Johnson},
	title = {{How to Design Frameworks}},
	note = {Tutorial Notes for the 1993 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Systems (OOPSLA '93)},
	address = {Washington, USA},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1993},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ JohnsonDocumentingFrameworks,
	author = {R. E. Johnson},
	title = {{Documenting Frameworks with Patterns}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA '92)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1992},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Vancouver, Canada},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ JohnsonReusableClasses,
	author = {R. E. Johnson and J. Foote},
	title = {{Designing Reusable Classes}},
	journal = {{Journal of Object Oriented Programming}},
	year = {1988},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {1},
	number = {2},
	pages = {22-35},
	month = {June/July},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ KLTApplication,
	author = {U. Mittal and N. Phamdo},
	title = {{Signal/Noise KLT Based Approach for Enhancing Speech Degraded by Colored Noise}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Speech Processing and Audio Processing}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {8},
	number = {2},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ KTHRulesForSinging,
	author = {Bemdtsson, G.},
	title = {{The KTH Rule System for Singing Synthesis}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {20},
	number = {1},
	pages = {76-91},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ KahnProcessNetworks,
	author = {G. Kahn},
	title = {{The semantics of a simple language for parallel programming}},
	journal = {{Information Processing}},
	year = {1974},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {471-475},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ KarjalainenImmersionAndContent,
	author = {M. Karjalainen},
	title = {{Immersion and Content - A Framework for Audio Research}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop of Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {IEEE},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ KarpComputationGraphs,
	author = {R.M. Karp and R.E. Miller},
	title = {{Properties of a model for parallel computation: Determinacy, termination, and queueing}},
	journal = {{SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics}},
	year = {1966},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {14},
	number = {6},
	pages = {1390:1411},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ Kay,
	author = {A. Kay},
	title = {{The Early History of Smalltalk}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of 2nd ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {69-75},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1993},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {28},
	number = {3},
	series = {ACM SIGPLAN Notices},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ Keynote-LanguageforMusic,
	author = {T. Thompson},
	title = {{Keynote - a Language and Extensible Graphics Editor for Music}},
	journal = {{Computing Systems}},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {3},
	number = {2},
	pages = {331-357},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ KrasnerMachineTonguesVIII,
	author = {G. Krasner},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Machine Tongues VIII: The Design of a Smalltalk Music System},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {7-17},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ KrumhanslTimbre,
	author = {C.L. Krumhansl},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Structure and Perception of Electroacoustic Sound and Music}},
	chapter = {Why is Timbre so Hard to Understand?},
	publisher = {Elsevier},
	year = {1989},
	key = {Excerpta Medica 846},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Amsterdam},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ KuhnScientificRevolution,
	author = {T. Kuhn},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Structure of Scientific Revolutions}},
	publisher = {University of Chicaho Press},
	year = {1962},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ LPC,
	author = {J. Makhoul},
	title = {{Linear Prediction: A Tutorial Review}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {561-580},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1975},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {63},
	number = {4},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {April},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LajoieOOFrameworksPatternsContractsMotifs,
	author = {R. Lajoie R.K. and Keller},
	title = {{Design and Reuse in Object-Oriented Frameworks: Patterns, Contracts, and Motifs in Concert}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 62nd Congress of the Association Cannadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Montreal, Canada},
	month = {May},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LakatosPerceptualSpace,
	author = {S. Lakatos},
	title = {{A common perceptual space for harmonic and percussive timbre}},
	journal = {{Perception and Psychophysics}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {62},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {1426-1439},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ LarmanUMLandPatterns,
	author = {C. Larman},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LarocheDolsonPhasiness,
	author = {J. Laroche and M. Dolson},
	title = {{About this Phasiness Business}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ LawSimulationModelling,
	author = {A. M. Law and W. D. Kelton},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Simulation Modeling and Analysis}},
	publisher = {McGrawHill},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {3rd},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LazzariniBrazil00,
	author = {V. Lazzarini},
	title = {{Some Applications of the SndObj Library}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the VII Brazilian Computer Music Symposium}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LazzariniBrazil98,
	author = {V. Lazzarini and F. Accorsi},
	title = {{Designing a Sound Object Library}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the V Brazilian Computer Music Symposium}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LazzariniOrganizedSound98,
	author = {V. Lazzarini},
	title = {{A Proposed Design for an Audio Processing System}},
	journal = {{Organized Sound}},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LazzariniSndObjDafx01,
	author = {V. Lazzarini},
	title = {{Sound Processing with the SndObj Library: An Overview}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX '01)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LazzariniSndObjOrganized00,
	author = {V. Lazzarini},
	title = {{The Sound Object Library}},
	journal = {{Organized Sound}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {5},
	number = {1},
	pages = {35-49},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LazzaroSfront,
	author = {J. Lazzaro and J. Wawrzynek},
	title = {{Compiling MPEG 4 Structured Audio into C}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Second IEEE MPEG-4 Workshop and Exhibition}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Jose, California},
	month = {June},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ LeeAndTomasDataflowNetworks,
	author = {E.A. Lee and T. Park},
	title = {{Dataflow Process Networks}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {773-799},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {83},
	number = {5},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ LeeSynchronousProcessNetworks,
	author = {E.A.Lee and D. G. Messerschmitt},
	title = {{Static Scheduling of Synchronous Data Flow Programs for Digital Signal Processing}},
	booktitle = {{IEEE Transactions on Computer}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {24-35},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1987},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {36},
	number = {1},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ LehrdalJackendoffMusicStructure,
	author = {F. Lerdahl and R. Jackendoff},
	editor = {S.M. Schwanaver and D.A. Levitt},
	title = {{Machine Models of Music}},
	chapter = {An Overview of Hierarchical Structure in Music},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {289-312},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ LenteznerSoundKit,
	author = {M. Lentezner},
	title = {{Sound Kit: a Sound Manipulator}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1985 International Music Conference (ICMC '85)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {237-242},
	year = {1985},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Associaciation},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LewisMaxForum,
	author = {G. Lewis},
	title = {{A Max Forum}},
	journal = {Array},
	year = {1992},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {13},
	number = {1},
	pages = {19-20},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ LiebermanMachineTonguesIX,
	author = {H. Lieberman},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Machine Tongues IX: Object-Oriented Programming},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {18-31},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LindsayMultipleRepresentationsInMPEG7,
	author = {A. Lindsay and W. Kriechbaum},
	title = {{There's More Than One Way to Hear It: Multiple Representations of Music in MPEG-7}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {28},
	OPTnumber = {4},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LinermannANIMAL,
	author = {E. Lindermann},
	title = {{ANIMAL - a Rapid Prototyping Environment for Computer Music Systems}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {15},
	number = {3},
	pages = {78-100},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ LiuActorOrientation,
	author = {J. Liu and J. Eker and J. W. Janneck and X. Liu and E. A. Lee},
	title = {{Actor-oriented Control System Design: A Responsible Framework Perspective}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology}},
	year = {2004},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {12},
	number = {2},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ Loy1985,
	author = {G. Loy and C. Abbot},
	title = {{Programming Languages for Computer Music Synthesis, Performance and Composition}},
	journal = {{Computing Surveys}},
	year = {1985},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {17},
	number = {2},
	pages = {235-265},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ METRIX_DAFX,
	author = {X. Amatriain and J. Bondada and X. Serra},
	title = {{METRIX: A Musical Data Definition Language and Data Structure for a Spectral Modeling Based Synthesizer}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ MIDIManual,
	author = {D. Miles Huber},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The MIDI manual}},
	publisher = {Howard W.Sams},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {USA},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ MIDISpecification,
	title = {{MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {MMA},
	organization = {MIDI Manufacturers Association},
	address = {Los Angeles},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ MOF2,
	author = {Adaptive and others},
	title = {{Meta Object Facility (MOF) 2.0 Core Proposal}},
	institution = {ACM's Object Management Group},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {April},
	note = {Modification to the MOF 1.4 standard still to be adopted},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ MPEG4-SNHC,
	author = {{Synthetic/Natural Hybrid Coding (SNHC) section of the MPEG-4}},
	title = {{Final Committee Draft Version 1.8.}},
	institution = {MIT Media Laboratory},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	number = {Document num.FCD ISO/IEC 14496-3 Subpart 5},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ MPEG7BeyondDatabase,
	author = {T. Ebrahimi and C. Christopoulos},
	title = {{Can MPEG-7 be used beyond database application?}},
	institution = {MPEG},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	number = {M3861},
	address = {Atlantic City},
	month = {October},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ MPEG7Book,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {B.S. Manjunath and P. Salembier and T. Sikora},
	title = {{Introduction to MPEG 7: Multimedia Content Description Language}},
	publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {West Sussex, England},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ MPEG7InstrumentSoundDescriptionICMC,
	author = {G. Peeters and S. McAdams and P. Herrera},
	title = {{Instrument Sound Description in the Context of MPEG-7}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ MPEG7MultipleLevel,
	author = {A. Jaimes and A.B. Benitez and S. Chang},
	title = {{Multiple Level Classification of Descriptions for Audio Content}},
	institution = {MPEG},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	number = {M6114},
	address = {Geneva},
	month = {May},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ MPEG7Overview,
	author = {J.M. Martínez},
	title = {{Overview of MPEG-7 Standard (version 5.0)}},
	institution = {MPEG},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	number = {ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 N4031},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {available at},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ MPEG7TimbreCE,
	author = {G. Petters and P. Herrera and X. Amatriain},
	title = {{Audio CE for Instrument Description (Timbre Similarity)}},
	institution = {MPEG},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {doc. num. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 M5422},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ MSP-Dobrian,
	title = {{MSP: Getting Started, Tutorial and Topics, and Reference}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {C. Dobrian and others},
	OPTorganization = {Cycling '74},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MaherBeauchampTWMPitch,
	author = {R.C. Maher and J.W. Beauchamp},
	title = {{Fundamental Frequency Estimation of Musical Signals using a two-way Mismatch Procedure}},
	journal = {{Journal of the Acoustical Society of America}},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {95},
	number = {4},
	pages = {2254-2263},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ManolescuDataflowPatterns,
	author = {D. A. Manolescu},
	title = {{A Dataflow Pattern Language}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th Pattern Languages of Programming Conference}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ MathewsRTSKED,
	author = {M. Mathews and J. Pasquale},
	title = {{RTSKED, a Scheduled Performance Language for the Crumar General Development System}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1981 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '81)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {286},
	year = {1981},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ MathewsTechnology,
	author = {M. V. Mathews},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Technology of Computer Music}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1969},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {Cambridge, Massatchusetts},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ Max-Dobrian,
	title = {{Max 4.3 Reference Manual}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {C. Dobrian et al.},
	OPTorganization = {Cycling '74},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ McAdamsSynthesizedSounds,
	author = {S. McAdams and S. Winsberg and S. Donnadieu and G. De Soete and J. Krimphoff},
	title = {{Perceptual Scaling of Synthesized Musical Timbres: Common Dimensions, Specificities, and Latent Subject Classes}},
	journal = {{Psychological Research}},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {58},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {177-192},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ McAulayQuatieri,
	author = {R.J. McAulay and T.F. Quatieri},
	title = {{Speech Analysis/Synthesis based on a Sinusoidal Representation}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing}},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {34},
	number = {4},
	pages = {744-754},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ McCartneySupercolliderCMJ,
	author = {J. McCartney},
	title = {{Rethinking the Computer Music Language: SuperCollider}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {26},
	number = {4},
	pages = {61-68},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ McReynolsSubjectProcessAndObject,
	author = {D. McReynolds and S. Duggins and D. Galli and J. Mayer},
	title = {{Distributed Characteristics of Subject Oriented Programming: An Evaluation with the Process and Object Paradigms}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 ACM Southeast Regional Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MeadMeaning,
	author = {G. H. Mead},
	title = {Social Consciousness and the Consciousness of Meaning},
	journal = {Psychological Bulletin},
	year = {1910},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	number = {7},
	pages = {397-405},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MeequelFromModelsToFrameworks,
	author = {J. Meequel and T. B. Horton and R. B. France and C. Mellone and S. Dalvi},
	title = {{From Domain Models to Architecture Frameworks}},
	journal = {{ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes}},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {22},
	number = {3},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {May},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Melisma,
	author = {D. Temperley},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {The Cognition of Basic Musical Structures},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {2004},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MellerModelDrivenDevelopment,
	author = {S. J. Meller and A. M. Clark and T. Futagami},
	title = {{Model Driven Development}},
	journal = {{IEEE Software}},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ MellingerVirtualDSP,
	author = {D. K. Mellinger and G. E. Garnett and B. Mont-Reynaud},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Virtual Digital Signal Processing in an Object-Oriented System},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {188-194},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ MeunierPipesAndFilter,
	author = {R. Meunier},
	title = {{The Pipes and Filter Architecture}},
	booktitle = {{Pattern Languages of Program Design}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1995},
	editor = {J. O. Coplien and D. C. Schmidt},
	volume = {vol.1},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	chapter = {22},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ MeyerOOSoftwareConstruction,
	author = {B. Meyer},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Software Construction}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ MinnickGraphicalEditor,
	author = {M. Minnick},
	title = {{A Graphical Editor for Building Unit Generator Patches}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1990 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '90)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {253-255},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ MooreElements,
	author = {F.R.Moore},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Elements of Computer Music}},
	publisher = {Prentice Hall},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MooreLoudness,
	author = {B. Moore and B. Glasberg and T. Baer},
	title = {{A Model for the Prediction of Thresholds, Loudness, and Partial Loudness}},
	journal = {{Journal of the Audio Engineering Society}},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {45},
	number = {4},
	pages = {224-240},
	month = {April},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MoserFrameworkAndProductivity,
	author = {S. Moser and O. Nierstrasz},
	title = {{The Effect of Object Oriented Frameworks on Developer Productivity}},
	journal = {{IEEE Computer}},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ MoserNierstraszOOFrameworksAndProductivity,
	author = {S. Moser and O. Nierstrasz},
	title = {{The Effect of Object-Oriented Frameworks on Developer Productivity}},
	journal = {{IEEE Computer}},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {45-51},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ MurataPetriNets,
	author = {T. Murata},
	title = {{Petri Nets: Properties, Analysis and Applications}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1989},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {77},
	number = {4},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {April},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ MythicalManMonth,
	author = {F.P.Jr. Brooks},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1975},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {20th Anniversary Edition published in 1995.},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ NakataniCASASoundOntology,
	author = {T. Nakatani and H.G. Okuno},
	title = {{Sound Ontology for Computational Auditory Scene Analysis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceeding for the 1998 conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Narmour,
	author = {E. Narmour},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Analysis and Cognition of Basic Melodic Structures:the Implication-Realization Model}},
	publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ NelsonForum,
	author = {C. Nelson},
	title = {{A Forum for Fitting the Task}},
	journal = {{IEEE Computer}},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {27},
	number = {3},
	pages = {104},
	month = {March},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ NextScoreFile,
	title = {{ScoreFile Language Reference. Release 2.0}},
	key = {NeXT},
	author = {NeXT},
	organization = {NeXT Computer Inc},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1990},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ NiuOOPetriNets,
	author = {J. Niu and J. Zou and A. Ren},
	title = {OOPN: An Object-Oriented Petri Nets and its Integrated Environment},
	institution = {City University of New York},
	year = {2004},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ NobleMetaphorAndMetonymyInOO,
	author = {J. Noble and R. Biddle and E. Tempero},
	title = {{Metaphor and Metonymy in Object-Oriented Design Patterns}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Computer Science Conference (ASC2002)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Melbourne, Australia},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ NoblePrototypeBasedProgramming,
	author = {J. Noble and A. Taivalsari and I. Moore},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Prototype-based Programming: Concepts, Languages and Applications}},
	publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ NygaardDevelopmentOfSimula,
	author = {K. Nygaard and O. Dahl},
	title = {{The Development of the Simula Languages}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st Conference on the History of Programming Languages}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1978},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Unpublished{ NygaardTeachingOO,
	author = {K. Nygaard},
	title = {{OO is Easy to Learn but Seldom Taught}},
	note = {Invited talk in the 2001 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages and Applications, OOPSLA 01},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ NyggardBasicOOConcepts,
	author = {K. Nygaard},
	title = {{Basic Concepts in OO Programming}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1986 SIGPLAN workshop on Object-oriented programming}},
	pages = {128-132},
	year = {1986},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ OOCat,
	author = {R. King},
	editor = {W. Kim and F.H. Lochovsky},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications}},
	chapter = {{My Cat is Object-Oriented}},
	publisher = {},
	year = {1989},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {23-30},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ OODesignOfTelecommunication,
	author = {S. Yamazaki et al.},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Design of Telecommunication Software}},
	journal = {{IEEE Software}},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {81-87},
	month = {January},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Unpublished{ OOPSLAMetamodeling,
	author = {H. Mili and F. Pachet and I. Benyahia and F. Eddy},
	title = {{Metamodeling in OO. OOPSLA '95 Workshop summary}},
	note = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ OOforInformationSystems,
	author = {C.M. Jones and B.M. Brown},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS 7)}},
	chapter = {The OO Paradigm for Contingency-Based Development of Information Systems},
	publisher = {Prentice Hall},
	year = {1992},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {Dortmund, Germany},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ OOvsADT,
	author = {W.R. Cook},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Programming Versus Abstract DataTypes}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the LNCS 489 Workshop on the Foundations of Object Oriented Languages}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {151-178},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Noordwijkerhout},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ObermayerSimulationModelsGames,
	author = {R.W. Obermayer},
	title = {{Simulation, Models and Games: Sources of Measurement}},
	journal = {Human Factors},
	year = {1964},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {6},
	number = {6},
	pages = {607-619},
	month = {December},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ OpdykeJohnsonRefactoringInFrameworks,
	author = {W. Opdyke and R.E. Johnson},
	title = {{Refactoring, an Aid in Designing Application Frameworks and Evolving Object-oriented Systems}},
	booktitle = {{Proceeding of Symposium on Object Oriented Programming Emphasizing Practical Applications (SOOPA)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1990},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {September},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ OpdykeThesis,
	author = {W. Opdyke},
	title = {{Refactoring Object-Oriented Frameworks}},
	school = {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign},
	year = {1992},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ OpenGL,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {D. Shreiner},
	title = {{OpenGL 1.4 Reference Manual 4th Edition}},
	publisher = {Addison Wesley Professional},
	year = {2004},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@inproceedings{ OpenMusicAgon00a,
	author = {Agon, C. and Stroppa, M. and Assayag, G.},
	title = {{High Level Musical Control of Sound Synthesis in OpenMusic}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '00)}},
	address = {Berlin, Allemagne},
	year = {2000}

@incollection{ OpenMusicAgon02c,
	author = {Agon, C. and Assayag, G.},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Programming in OpenMusic}},
	booktitle = {{Topos of Music}},
	publisher = {Verlag Ed},
	year = {2002}

@inproceedings{ OpenMusicAgon98a,
	author = {Agon, C.},
	title = {{Objects, Time and Constraints in OpenMusic}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	address = {Ann Arbor Michigan, USA},
	month = {Octobre},
	year = {1998}

@inproceedings{ OpenMusicAndreatta99a,
	author = {Andreatta, M.},
	title = {{OpenMusic et le probléme de la construction de canons musicaux rythmiques}},
	booktitle = {{JIM: Journées d'informatique musicale}},
	address = {Issy-les-Moulineaux, France},
	year = {1999}

@incollection{ OpenMusicAssayag00a,
	author = {Assayag, G. and Agon, C.},
	title = {{OpenMusic : un langage de programmation visuelle pour la composition}},
	booktitle = {{Encyclopédie pour l'ingénieur informaticien}},
	publisher = {Hermès},
	year = {2000}

@inproceedings{ OpenMusicDechelle03a,
	author = {Déchelle, F.},
	title = {{Various IRCAM free software: jMax and OpenMusic}},
	booktitle = {{Linux Audio Developers Meeting}},
	address = {Karlsruhe, Allemagne},
	month = {Mars},
	year = {2003}

@techreport{ OpenMusicSarria03a,
	author = {Sarria, G. and Diago, J.F.},
	title = {{OpenMusic for Linux and MacOS X}},
	year = {2003}

@Book{ Openheim,
	author = {A. V. Openheim and A. S. Willsky},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Signals and Systems}},
	publisher = {Prentice Hall},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ OsakaTimbreInterp,
	author = {N. Osaka},
	title = {{Timbre Interpolation of Sounds Using a Sinusoidal Model}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1995 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 95)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ OswoodMeasuringMeaning,
	author = {C. E. Oswood},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Focus on Meaning Volume 1: Explorations in Semantic Space}},
	publisher = {Moulon},
	year = {1976},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {The Hague},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ OswoodSemanticDifferential,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {J. G. Snyder and C. E. Oswood},
	title = {{Semantic Differential Technique}},
	publisher = {Aldine},
	year = {1967},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Chicago},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ PDDocumentation,
	title = {{Pd Documentation}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {M. Puckette},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2004},
	optnote = {{Available at}},
	OPTannote = {}

@MastersThesis{ PFCBonada,
	author = {Bonada, J. },
	title = {Desenvolupament d`un entorn gràfic per a l`anàlisi, transformació i síntesi de sons mitjanant models espectrals},
	year = {1997},
	school = {UPC. Barcelona}

@PhdThesis{ ParksProcessNetworksPhD,
	author = {T. M. Parks},
	title = {{Bounded Schedule of Process Networks}},
	school = {University of California at Berkeley},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ParnasFakingDesignProcess,
	author = {D.L. Parnas and P.C. Clements},
	title = {{A Rational Design Process: How and Why to Fake It}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {12},
	number = {2},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {February},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PatternForFireAlarms,
	author = {P. Molin and L. Ohlson},
	title = {{Points and Deviation-a Pattern Language for Fire Alarm Systems}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pattern Languages for Programming}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Monticello ILL USA},
	month = {September},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ PetriThesis,
	author = {C.A. Petri},
	title = {{Kommunikation mit Automaten}},
	school = {Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany},
	year = {1962},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PfeifferPerceptiveAdaptation,
	author = {S. Pfeiffer},
	title = {{The Importance of Perceptive Adaptation of Sound Features in Audio Content Processing}},
	booktitle = {{SPIE Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases VII}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {328-337},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Jose, California, USA},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PolanskyHSML,
	author = {L. Polansky and D. Rosenboom},
	title = {{HSML (Hierarchical Music Specification Language) a Real-Time Environment for Formal, Perceptual and Compositional Experimentation}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1985 International Music Conference (ICMC '85)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {243-250},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeCRAM,
	author = {S.T. Pope and A. Engberg and F. Holm and A. Wolf},
	title = {{The Distributed Processing Environment for High-Performance Distributed Multimedia Applications}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Multimedia Technology and Applications Conference}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeCSL,
	author = {S. T. Pope and C. Ramakrishnan},
	title = {{The Create Signal Library (``Sizzle''): Design, Issues and Applications}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '03)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeEventGenerators,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{Modeling Musical Structures as EventGenerators}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ PopeMODE91,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Introduction to MODE: The Musical Object Development Environment},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {83-106},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeMODE94,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{The Musical Object Development Environment: MODE (Ten Years of Music Software in Smalltalk)}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC94)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ PopeMachineTonguesIX,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {Machine Tongues XI: Object-Oriented Software Design},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {32-48},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PopeMusicNotation,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{Music Notation and the Representation of Musical Structure and Knowledge}},
	journal = {{Perspectives of New Music}},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {24},
	number = {2},
	pages = {156-189},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ PopeOOMusic,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	editor = {Roads, Pope, de Poli and Piccialli},
	title = {{Musical Signal}},
	chapter = {Object-oriented Music Representation},
	publisher = {Swets and Zeitlinger},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PopeOOinMODE,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Design Elements in the MODE System}},
	journal = {{Journal of Object-Oriented Programming}},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {?},
	OPTnumber = {?},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ PopeSirenBookChapter,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	ALTeditor = {Guzdal, Mark and Kim Rose},
	title = {{Squeak: Open Personal Computing and Multimedia}},
	chapter = {Music and Sound Processing in Squeak Using Siren},
	publisher = {Prentice Hall},
	year = {2001},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeSirenOOPSLA,
	author = {S.T. Pope},
	title = {{The Siren Music/Sound Package for Squeak Smalltalk}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems and Application (OOPSLA 98)(Companion Material)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeSirenRecentDevelopments,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{Recent Developments in Siren: Modeling, Control and Interaction for Large-scale Distributed Music Software}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2003 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '03)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2003},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	note = {Also in Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 1(1): 6-14},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeSmalltalkMusikKit,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{A Smalltalk-80-based Music Toolkit}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1987 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '87)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1987},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	note = {Also in Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 1(1): 6-14},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PopeSmoke,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{The SmOKe Music Representation, Description Language, and Interchange Format}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1992 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '92)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1992},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	note = {Also in Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 1(1): 6-14},
	OPTannote = {}

@Unpublished{ PopeSuperCollider,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{Sound and Music Processing in SuperCollider}},
	note = {Unpublished book draft},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2004},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PopeThreePackages,
	author = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{Machine Tongues XV: Three packages for Software Sound Synthesis}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {17},
	number = {2},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ PopeWellTemperedObject,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {S. T. Pope},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Cambridge, Massachusetts},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PosnakAdaptivePipeline,
	author = {E. J. Posnak and R. G. Lavender and H. M. Vin},
	title = {{Adaptive pipeline: an object structural pattern for adaptive applications}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 3rd Pattern Languages of Programming Conference}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Monticello, Illinois},
	month = {September},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ PreeDesignPatterns,
	author = {W. Pree},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Desing Patterns for Object Oriented Software Development}},
	publisher = {Addinson-Wesley},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Pressman,
	author = {R.S. Pressman},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Software Engineering: A Practioners Approach}},
	publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Fith Edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ PtolemyOverview,
	author = {C. Hylands and others },
	title = {{Overview of the Ptolemy Project}},
	institution = {Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	address = {Berklee, California},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PucketteAnalysisInPD-MSP,
	author = {M. Puckette and T. Apel and D. Zicarelli},
	title = {{Real-time Audio Analysis Tools for Pd and MSP}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PucketteFTS,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{FTS: A Real-time Monitor for Multiprocessor Music Synthesis}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {15},
	number = {3},
	pages = {58-67},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PucketteMAXEventSignal,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{Combining Event and Signal Processing in the MAX Graphical Programming Environment}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {68-77},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PucketteMax2002,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{Max at Seventeen}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {26},
	number = {4},
	pages = {31-43},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

	author = 	 {M. Puckette},
	title = 	 {Pure Data},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1996 International Computer Music Conference},
	pages = 	 {269-272},
	year = 	 {1996}

@InProceedings{ PuckettePD96,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{Pure Data: Another Integrated Computer Music Environment}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Second Intercollege Computer Music Concerts}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {37-41},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Tachikawa},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PuckettePD97,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{Pure Data}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 International Music Conference (ICMC '97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {224-227},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PuckettePDRecentProgress,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{Pure Data: Recent Progress}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Third Intercollege Computer Music Festiva}},
	pages = {1-4},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Tokyo, Japan},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PuckettePatcher,
	author = {M. Puckette},
	title = {{The Patcher}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1988 International Music Conference (ICMC '88)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {420-429},
	year = {1988},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ PurnhagenParametricCoding,
	author = {H. Purnhagen},
	title = {{Advances in Parametric Audio Coding}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA '99)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {October},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ QTProgramming,
	author = {J. Blanchette and M. Summerfield},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{C++ GUI Programming with QT 3}},
	publisher = {Pearson Education},
	year = {2004},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ QuickTripToObjectLand,
	author = {G. Korienek and T. Wrensh},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{A Quick Trip to Objectland}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ RAPPID,
	author = {E. Robledo},
	title = {{RAPPID: Robust Real Time Audio Processing with CLAM}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Hamburg, Germany},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ RUP,
	author = {P. Kruchten},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ RahnLispKernel,
	author = {J. Rahn},
	title = {{The Lisp Kernel}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {14},
	number = {4},
	pages = {42-58},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Refactoring,
	author = {M. Fowler and K. Beck and J. Brant and W. Opdyke and D. Roberts},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ReggioMetamodelingUML,
	author = {G. Reggio},
	title = {{Metamodeling Behavioural Aspects: the Case of UML State Machines}},
	journal = {{Integrated Design and Process Technology}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {June},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ReichbachSoundWorks,
	author = {J. D. Reichbach and R. A. Kemmerer},
	title = {{SoundWorks: An Object-Oriented Distributed System for Digital Sound}},
	journal = {Computer},
	year = {1992},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {March},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ RichardsMeaningOfMeaning,
	author = {C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Meaning of Meaning}},
	publisher = {Harcourt, Brace \& World},
	year = {1946},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {New York},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ RodetFORMES,
	author = {X. Rodet and P. Cointe},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {FORMES: Composition and Scheduling of Processes},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {64-82},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ RodetFORMES-CMJ,
	author = {X. Rodet and P. Cointe},
	title = {{FORMES: Composition and Scheduling of Processes}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1984},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {8},
	number = {3},
	OPTpages = {32-48},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ RodetIFFT,
	author = {X. Rodet and P. Depalle},
	title = {{Spectral Envelopes and Inverse FFT Synthesis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 93rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1992},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	month = {October},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ RodetNewPossibilities,
	author = {X. Rodet and P. Depalle and G. Garcia},
	title = {{New Possibilities in Sound Analysis and Synthesis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, IMSA 95}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ RogersFrameworksC++,
	author = {G.F. Rogers},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Framework-Based Software Development in C++}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ RollandPachetModelingSynthesizerProgrammerKnowledge,
	author = {P. Rolland and F. Pachet},
	title = {{Modeling and Applying the Knowledge of Synthesizer Patch Programmers}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IJCAI-95 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music, 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-95)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {G. Widmer},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Montreal, Canada},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ RossignolFeatureExtSegmentCMJ,
	author = {S. Rossignol and X. Rodet and J. Soumagne and J. Collette and P. Depalle},
	title = {{Automatic Characterisation of Musical Signals: Feature Extraction and Temporal Segmentation}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {28},
	number = {4},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ RossignolSegmentICM,
	author = {S. Rossignol et al.},
	title = {{Feature Extraction and Temporal Segmentation of Acoustic Signals}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Organisation},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ RossonProblemSolutionInOO,
	author = {M.B. Rosson and E. Gold},
	title = {{Problem-Solution Mapping in Object-Oriented Design}},
	booktitle = {{SIGPLAN Notices}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {7-10},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1989},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {24},
	number = {10},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ RoweSystemCybernetics,
	author = {W.D. Rowe},
	title = {{Why System Science and Cybernetics?}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Systems and Cybernetics}},
	year = {1965},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {1},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {2-3},
	OPTmonth = {November},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ RtAudioICMC02,
	author = {G. Scavone},
	title = {{RtAudio: A Cross-Platform C++ Class for Realtime Audio Input/Output}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2002 International Computer Music (ICMC'02)},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ RumbaughOOModelingAndDesign,
	author = {J. Rumbaugh and M. Blaha and W. Premerlani and F. Eddy and W. Loresen},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Modeling and Design}},
	publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {New Jersey, USA},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SALTO,
	author = {J. Haas},
	title = {{SALTO - A Spectral Domain Saxophone Synthesizer}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of MOSART Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SMSPitchCano,
	author = {P. Cano},
	title = {{Fundamental Frequency Estimation in the SMS Analysis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SPKit,
	author = {K. Lassfolk},
	title = {Sound Processing Kit},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1995 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 95)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ STKManual,
	title = {{The Synthesis Toolkit in C++ User Manual}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {P. Cook and G. Scavone},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SaxexICMC,
	author = {J. L. Arcos and R. López de Mántaras and X. Serra},
	title = {{Saxex: a Case-Based Reasoning System for Generating Expressive Musical Performances}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '97)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1997},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	publisher = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ SaxexJNMR,
	author = {J. L. Arcos and R. López de Mántaras and X. Serra},
	title = {{Saxex: a Case-Based Reasoning System for Generating Expressive Musical Performances}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {27},
	number = {3},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScalettiCERL,
	author = {C. Scaletti},
	title = {{The CERL Music Project at the University of Illinois}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1984},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {9},
	number = {1},
	pages = {45-58},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ ScalettiKyma-WTO,
	author = {C. Scaletti},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Well-tempered Object. Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Software Technology}},
	chapter = {The Kyma/Platypus Computer Music Workstation},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {119-140},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScalettiKyma2002,
	author = {C. Scaletti},
	title = {{Computer Music Languages, Kyma, and the Future}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {26},
	number = {4},
	pages = {69-82},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ScalettiKymaOOPSLA,
	author = {C. Scaletti and R. E. Johnson},
	title = {{An Interactive Environment for Object-Oriented Music Composition and Sound Synthesis}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1988 Conference on Objec-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA'88)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {25-30},
	year = {1988},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ ScalettiObjectAudioRepresentation,
	author = {C. Scaletti and K. Hebel},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Representations of Musical Signals}},
	chapter = {An Object-based Representation for Digital Audio Signals},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ SchaefferObjects,
	author = {P. Schaeffer},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Traité des Objets Musicaux}},
	publisher = {Editions Du Seuil},
	year = {1966},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ Scheirer,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{Music Listening Systems}},
	school = {Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT)},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ScheirerAudioBIFS,
	author = {E. Scheirer and R. Väänänen and J. Huopaniemi},
	title = {{AudioBIFS: The MPEG-4 Standard for Effects Processing}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the first Digital Audio Effects Workshop (DAFX '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScheirerAudioBIFS_IEEETransactions,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{AudioBIFS: Describing Audio Scenes with the MPEG-4 Multimedia Standard}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Multimedia}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {1},
	number = {3},
	pages = {237-250},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ScheirerGeneralizedWithSA,
	author = {E. Scheirer and Y. Kim},
	title = {{Generalized Audio Coding with MPEG-4 Structured Audio}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedints of the AES 17th Audio Conference on High Quality Audio Coding}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Villa Castelletti Signa, Italy},
	month = {September},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ScheirerMP4SA_ICASSP,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Standard}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE ICASSP 1998}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Seattle, Washington, USA},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScheirerSAKolmogorov,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{Structured Audio, Kolmogorov Complexity, and Generalized Audio Coding}},
	journal = {{IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing}},
	year = {2001},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {9},
	number = {8},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {November},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ScheirerSAOLICMC,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{The MPEG-4 Structured Audio Orchestra Language}},
	booktitle = {{Proceeding for the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScheirerSAOL_CMJ,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{SAOL: the MPEG-4 Structured Audio Orchestra Language}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {23},
	number = {2},
	pages = {31-51},
	month = {Summer},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScheirerSNHC,
	author = {E. Scheirer and Y. Lee and J. Yang},
	title = {{Synthetic and SNHC audio in MPEG-4}},
	journal = {{Signal Processing: Image Communication}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	number = {15},
	pages = {445-461},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ScheirerStructuredAudioMultimediaSystems,
	author = {E. Scheirer},
	title = {{Structured Audio and Effects Processing in the MPEG-4 Multimedia Standard}},
	journal = {{Multimedia Systems}},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	number = {7},
	pages = {11-22},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SchonerDataDrivenModelingInstrument,
	author = {B. Schoner and C. Cooper and C. Douglas and N. Gershenfeld},
	title = {{Data-driven Modeling and Synthesis of Acoustical Instruments}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ SchottstaedtCommonLispMusic,
	title = {{Common Lisp Music Documentation}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {W. Schottstaedt},
	organization = {CCRMA-Stanford University},
	address = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SchwarzSDIF,
	author = {D. Schwarz and M. Wright},
	title = {{Extensions and Applications of the SDIF Sound Description Interchange Format}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '00)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ SeidewitzWhatModelsMean,
	author = {E. Seidewitz},
	title = {{What Models Mean}},
	journal = {{IEEE Software}},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SerraHighLevelTransDAFX,
	author = {X. Serra and J. Bonada},
	title = {{Sound Transformations Based on the SMS High Level Attributes}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SerraMorphICMC,
	author = {X. Serra},
	title = {{Sound Hybridization Techniques based on a Deterministic plus Stochastic Decomposition Model}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1994},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ SerraPhd,
	author = {X. Serra},
	title = {{A System for Sound Analysis/Transformation/Synthesis based on a Deterministic plus Stochastic Decomposition}},
	school = {Stanford University},
	year = {1989},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ SerraSMSBook,
	author = {X. Serra},
	editor = {G. D. Poli and A. Picialli and S. T. Pope, and C. Roads},
	title = {{Musical Signal Processing}},
	chapter = {Musical Sound Modeling with Sinusoids plus Noise},
	publisher = {Swets Zeitlinger Publishers},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ SerraSMSCMJ,
	author = {X. Serra},
	title = {{Spectral Modeling Synthesis: A Sound Analysis/Synthesis System based on a Deterministic plus Stochastic Decomposition}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {14},
	number = {4},
	pages = {12-24},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SettelLippeFFTControl,
	author = {Z. Settel and C. Lippe},
	title = {{Audio-Rate Control of FFT-Based Processing using Few Parameters}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX99)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Trondheim, Norway},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SettelLippeMorph,
	author = {Z. Settel and C. Lippe},
	title = {{Real Time Audio Morphing}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Electronic Art}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ShannonCommunicationTheory,
	author = {C.E. Shannon},
	title = {{A Mathematical Theory of Communication}},
	journal = {{Bell Systems Technical Journal}},
	year = {1948},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {27},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {379-423,623-656},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ ShannonWeaver,
	author = {C.E. Shannon and W. Weaver},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Mathematical Theory of Communication}},
	publisher = {University of Illinois Press},
	year = {1949},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Urbana},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ ShawPatternsForSoftwareArchitecture,
	author = {M. Shaw},
	title = {{Some Patterns for Software Architecture}},
	booktitle = {{Pattern Languages of Program Design}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1996},
	editor = {J. M. Vlissides and J. O. Coplien and N. L. Kerth},
	volume = {vol.2},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	chapter = {16},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ShlaerOODomainAnalysis,
	author = {S. Shlaer and S.J. Mellor},
	title = {{An Object-Oriented Approach to Domain Analysis}},
	journal = {{ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes}},
	year = {1989},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {14},
	number = {5},
	pages = {66-77},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ SimbolsSignalsNoise,
	author = {J.R. Pierce},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Symbols, Signals and Noise}},
	publisher = {Harper and Row},
	year = {1961},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {New York},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ SimonArtificial,
	author = {H. A. Simon},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The Sciences of the Artificial}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {3erd edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ SimulacionPorOrdenador,
	author = {S. Martinez and A. Requena},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Dinámica de Sistemas. 1. Simulación por Ordenador}},
	publisher = {Alianza Editorial},
	year = {1986},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SlaneyMorph,
	author = {M. Slaney and M. Covell and B. Lassiter},
	title = {{Automatic Audio Morphing}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustic and Speech Signal Processing (ICASSP 96)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {1001-1004},
	year = {1996},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {2},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SmithSerraPARSHL,
	author = {J.O. Smith and X. Serra},
	title = {{PARSHL: An Analysis/Synthesis Program for Non-Harmonic Sounds based on a Sinusoidal Representation}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1987 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 87)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1987},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ SndManual,
	title = {Snd Sound Editor Manual},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {Bill Schottstaedt},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {2004},
	note = {Available at},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ SndObjSinusoidal,
	author = {J. Timoney and V. Lazzarini and T. Lysaght},
	title = {{New SndObj Classes for Sinusoidal Modelling}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX02)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTyear = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ SnyderObjectsConceptsTerms,
	author = {A. Snyder},
	title = {{The Essence of Objects: Concepts and Terms}},
	journal = {{IEEE Software}},
	year = {1993},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {31-42},
	month = {January},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ SonicFlowFunctSpec,
	title = {{Sonic Flow: A Program for the Design and Simulation of Audio Signal Processing Networks. Functional Specification}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {J. Seppänen and S. Kananoja},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {October},
	year = {1998},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ SonicFlowTechSpec,
	title = {{Sonic Flow: A Program for the Design and Simulation of Audio Signal Processing Networks. Technical Specification}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {J. Seppänen and S. Kananoja},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {November},
	year = {1998},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ SparksManagingOOFrameworkReuse,
	author = {S. Sparks and K. Benner and C. Faris},
	title = {{Managing Object-Oriented Framework Reuse}},
	journal = {{IEEE Computer}},
	year = {1996},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	pages = {53-61},
	month = {September},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ SpatialEffectsInDAFX,
	author = {D. Roccheso},
	editor = {Udo Zölzer},
	title = {{DAFX: Digital Audio Effects}},
	chapter = {Spatial Effects},
	publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {West Sussex, England},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {137-200},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ StrawnFunctionApproximation,
	author = {J. Strawn},
	title = {{Approximation and Syntactic Analysis of Amplitude and Frequency Functions for Digital Sound Synthesis}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1980},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {4},
	number = {3},
	pages = {3-24},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ StromComparingOOandProcess,
	author = {R. Strom},
	title = {{A Comparison of the Object-Oriented and Process Paradigm}},
	booktitle = {{Sigplan Notices}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1986},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {21},
	number = {10},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {October},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ StroustrupC++,
	author = {B. Stroustrup},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{The C++ Programming Language}},
	publisher = {Addison Wesley},
	year = {1997},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Special Edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ StroustrupWhyC++,
	author = {B. Stroustrup},
	title = {{Why C++ is not only an Object-Oriented Programming Language}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1995 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems and Languages (OOPSLA 95)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1995},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@TechReport{ TaligentBuildingOOFrameworks,
	author = {Taligent},
	title = {{Building Object-Oriented Frameworks, A Taligent White Paper}},
	institution = {Taligent Inc.},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ TaubeCommonMusic90,
	author = {H. Taube},
	title = {{Common Music:A Music Composition Language in Common Lisp and CLOS}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {15},
	number = {2},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ TaubeCommonMusic98,
	author = {H. Taube},
	title = {{Introduction to Common Music}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1998},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {18},
	number = {4},
	pages = {48-96},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ TellmanMorph,
	author = {E. Tellman and L. Haken and B. Holloway},
	title = {{Timbre Morphing of Sounds with Unequal Number of Features}},
	journal = {{Journal of the Audio Engineering Society}},
	year = {1995},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {43},
	number = {9},
	OPTpages = {678-89},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ TimeMachineICMC,
	author = {J. Bonada},
	title = {{Automatic Technique in Frequency Domain for near-Lossless Time-Scale Modification of Audio}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '00)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {San Francisco},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ TimeSegmentInDAFX,
	author = {P. Dutilleux and G. De Poli and U. Zölzer},
	editor = {U. Zölzer},
	title = {{DAFX: Digital Audio Effects}},
	chapter = {{Time Segment Processing}},
	publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	address = {West Sussex, England},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {201-234},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ TodoroffControlOfDAFX,
	author = {T. Todoroff},
	editor = {Udo Zölzer},
	title = {{DAFX: Digital Audio Effects}},
	chapter = {{Control of Digital Audio Effects}},
	publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {West Sussex, England},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ TolonenObjectBased,
	author = {T. Tolonen},
	title = {{Object-Based Source Modeling for Musical Signals}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 109th Audio Engineering Society Convention}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Los Angeles},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ TzanetakisEuromicron99,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook},
	title = {{A Framework for Audio Analysis based on Classification and Temporal Segmentation}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of Euromicron 99, Workshop on Music Technology and Audio Processing}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ TzanetakisMarsyas3D,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook},
	title = {{Marsyas3D: a prototype audio browser-editor using a large-scale immersive visual and audio display}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {Espoo, Finland},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {IEEE},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ TzanetakisMarsyasBook,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{Audio Information Retrieval using Marsyas}},
	publisher = {Kluewe Academic Publisher},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ TzanetakisMarsyasOS,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook},
	title = {{Marsyas: A Framework for Audio Analysis}},
	journal = {{Organized Sound}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {4},
	number = {3},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ TzanetakisMultimediaTrees,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis and L. Julia},
	title = {{Multimedia Structuring using Trees}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings RIAO 2000, Content based information access}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@PhdThesis{ TzanetakisPhD,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis},
	title = {{Manipulation, Analysis and Retrieval Systems for Audio Signals}},
	school = {Princeton University},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ TzanetakisSegmentation,
	author = {G. Tzanetakis and P. Cook},
	title = {{Multifeature Audio Segmentation for Browsing and Annotation}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WAASPA)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {IEEE},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ UML2.0,
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {OMG},
	title = {{Unified Modeling Language (UML) Specification: Infrastructure, version 2.0}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	month = {September},
	year = {2003},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ UMLDistilled,
	author = {M. Fowler and K. Scott},
	ALTeditor = {},
	title = {{UML Distilled}},
	publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
	year = {1999},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	edition = {Second Edition},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ UMLSpecification,
	title = {{OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification. Version 1.4.}},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTauthor = {},
	organization = {OMG (Object Management Group)},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {September},
	year = {2001},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ VarroMathematicalMetamodelling,
	author = {D. Varró and A. Patarizca},
	title = {{VPM: Mathematics of Metamodeling is Metamodeling Mathematics}},
	journal = {{SoSyM Journal - Special section on UML}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Manual{ VercoeCSound,
	title = {{CSound . The CSound Manual Version 3.48. A Manual for the Audio Processing System and supporting program with Tutorials}},
	OPTkey = {},
	author = {B. L. Vercoe},
	OPTorganization = {MIT Media Laboratory},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {Edited by Jean Piché University of Montreal},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1992},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InCollection{ VercoeStructuredAudio,
	author = {B. L. Vercoe and W. G. Gardner and E. Scheirer},
	title = {{Structured Audio: Creation, Transmission, and Rendering of Parametric Sound Representations}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	volume = {86},
	number = {5},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTchapter = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	month = {May},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ VerfailleADAFX,
	author = {V. Verfaille and D. Arfib},
	title = {{A-DAFx: Adaptive Digital Audio Fx}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX01)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Limerick, December},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ VermaTimeStretch,
	author = {T.S. Verma and T.H.Y. Meng},
	title = {{Time Scale Modification Using a Sines+Transients+Noise Signal Model}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ VermaTransientCMJ,
	author = {T.S. Verma and T.H.Y. Meng},
	title = {{Extending Spectral Modeling Synthesis With Transient Modeling Synthesis}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {24},
	number = {2},
	pages = {47-59},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ VidalMarzalSpeechSegmentation,
	author = {E. Vidal and A. Marzal},
	editor = {L. Torres et al.},
	title = {{Signal Processing V: Theories and Applications}},
	chapter = {A Review and New Approaches for Automatic Segmentation of Speech Signals},
	publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ WandFormalModelOfObjects,
	author = {Y. Wand},
	editor = {W. Kim and F.H. Lochovsky},
	title = {{Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications}},
	chapter = {{A Proposal for a Formal Model of Objects}},
	publisher = {},
	year = {1989},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTpages = {537-559},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ WanderlayGesturalControl,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {M. Wanderley and M. Battier},
	title = {{Trends in Gestural Control of Music}},
	publisher = {Ircam},
	year = {2000},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Paris},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ WaveWarpDAFX,
	author = {Y. Jafry},
	title = {{A Modular Real-Time PC-Based Audio Processing Tool for Effects Developers, Engineers, Musicians, and Educators}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Digital Audio Effects (Dafx-00)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2000},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ WebbProcessNetworks,
	author = {D. Webb and A. Wendelborn and K. Maciunas},
	title = {{Process Networks as Higher-level Notation for Metacomputing}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTbooktitle = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ WegnerConceptsParadigmsInOO,
	author = {P. Wegner},
	title = {{Concepts and Paradigms of Object-Oriented Programming}},
	journal = {{OOPS Messenger}},
	year = {1990},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {1},
	number = {1},
	pages = {7-87},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ WeinandET++89,
	author = {A. Weinand and E. Gamma and R. Marty},
	title = {{Design and Implementation of ET++, a Seamless Object-Oriented Application Framework}},
	journal = {{Structured Programming}},
	year = {1989},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {10},
	number = {2},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ Welltemperedobject,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {S.T. Pope},
	title = {{The Well-tempered object, Musical Applications of Object-Oriented Technology}},
	publisher = {MIT Press},
	year = {1991},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ WesselTimbreSpace,
	author = {D. Wessel},
	title = {{Timbre Space as a Musical Control Structure}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1979},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {2},
	number = {3},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ WestMetaphor,
	author = {D. West},
	title = {{Metaphor, Architecture and XP}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2002 XP Conference}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ WidmerMusicalExpressionProject,
	author = {G. Widmer},
	title = {{The Musical Expression Project: A Challenge for Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML'2001)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Berlin},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	publisher = {Springer Verlag},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Unpublished{ WilsonWritingFrameworksOOPSLATutorial,
	author = {David .A. Wilson and S.D. Wilson},
	title = {{Writing Frameworks - Capturing Your expertise about a Problem Domain}},
	note = {Tutorial notes of the 1993 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Languages, Systems and Applciations},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	year = {1993},
	OPTannote = {},
	address = {Washington}

@InProceedings{ WrightOSC-ICMC,
	author = {M. Wright},
	title = {{Implementation and Performance Issues with Open Sound Control}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ WrightSDIFAudioApplications,
	author = {M. Wright},
	title = {Audio Applications of the Sound Description Interchange Format},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 107th AES Convention}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1999},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ WrightSDIFNewApplications,
	author = {M. Wright},
	title = {New Applications of the Sound Description Interchange Format},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC98)}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ XSLTWeb,
	optkey = {XSLT},
	author = {W3C},
	title = {{World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	month = {November},
	year = {1999},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ZIPI,
	author = {Mc Millen, K.},
	title = {{ZIPI: Origins and Motivations}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {1994},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {18},
	number = {4},
	pages = {48-96},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ ZicarelliMax2002,
	author = {D. Zicarelli},
	title = {{How I Learned to Love a Program that Does Nothing}},
	journal = {{Computer Music Journal}},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {26},
	number = {4},
	pages = {44-51},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ ZicarelliMaxSignalProcessing,
	author = {D. Zicarelli},
	title = {{An Extensible Real-Time Signal Processing Environment for Max}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC '98)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	pages = {463-466},
	year = {1998},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Computer Music Association},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Book{ dafx,
	ALTauthor = {},
	editor = {U. Zölzer},
	title = {{DAFX: Digital Audio Effects}},
	publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Agnula,
	key = {www-Agnula},
	optauthor = {AGNULA Consortium},
	title = {{AGNULA (A GNU Linux Audio Distribution) homepage,}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-AudioMulch,
	key = {www-AudioMulch},
	optauthor = {R. Bencina},
	title = {{AudioMulch webpage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-BarryVercoe,
	key = {www-BarryVercoe},
	optauthor = {Barry Vercoe},
	title = {{Professor Barry Vercoe's home page}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Doxygen,
	key = {www-Doxygen},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {Doxygen documentation system homepage:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-FFTW,
	key = {www-FFTW},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {Faster Fourier Transform of the West (FFTW) homepage:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Electronic{ www-FLTK,
	key = {www-FLTK},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {The Fast Light Toolkit (FLTK) homepage},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {},
	url = {},
	month = {dec},
	year = {2006}

@Misc{ www-Hillside,
	key = {www-hilside},
	optauthor = {Hillside Group},
	title = {{Hillside Group Homepage}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-JaffeMusicKit,
	key = {www-JaffeMusicKit},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {David Jaffe's MusicKit site:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Libmad,
	key = {www-libmad},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Underbit's libmad homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-MTG,
	key = {www-MTG},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Homepage of the Music Technology Group (MTG) from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Mantis,
	key = {www-Mantis},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {Mantis bug-tracker homepage:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Metamodel,
	key = {www-Metamodel},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {Community site for meta-modeling and semantic modeling},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-MusicKit,
	key = {www-MusicKit},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {The Music Kit Homepage at Sourceforge:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-OSW,
	key = {www-OSW},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Open Sound World (OSW) webpage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-PD,
	key = {www-PD},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Pure Data (PD) homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-PortAudio,
	key = {www-PortAudio},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{PortAudio homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-PortMIDI,
	key = {www-PortMIDI},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Port Music homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Ptolemy,
	key = {www-Ptolemy},
	optauthor = {www-Ptolemy},
	title = {Ptolemy Project home page},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-QT,
	key = {www-QT},
	optauthor = {Trolltech},
	title = {QT homepage by Trolltech},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	note = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Refactoring,
	key = {www-Refactoring},
	optauthor = {M. Fowler},
	title = {{Refactoring homepage by M. Fowler:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-RtAudio,
	key = {www-RtAudio},
	optauthor = {},
	title = {{RtAudio homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Siren,
	key = {www-Siren},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Siren Webpage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-SndObj,
	key = {www-SndObj},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{SndObj library homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-SoundsLogical,
	key = {www-SoundsLogical},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Sounds Logical (makers of WaveWarp) webpage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-SymbolicSound,
	key = {www-SymbolicSound},
	optauthor = {},
	title = {{Symbolic Sound Corporation (creators of Kyma) webpage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-XML,
	key = {www-XML},
	optauthor = {W3C},
	title = {World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s XML Homepage:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-XMLMusic,
	key = {www-XMLMusic},
	optauthor = {Coverpages},
	title = {XML and Music:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-XMLSchema,
	key = {www-XMLSchema},
	optauthor = {W3C},
	title = {{World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s XML-Schema homepage,}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-Xercesc,
	key = {Xercesc},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {Xerces C++ Parser homepage:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-id3lib,
	key = {www-id3lib},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {The ID3 Tagging library homepage:},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-libsndfile,
	key = {www-libsndfile},
	OPTauthor = {Libsndfile homepage:},
	OPTtitle = {},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Misc{ www-oggvorbis,
	key = {www-oggvorbis},
	OPTauthor = {},
	title = {{Xiph's oggvorbis project homepage:}},
	OPThowpublished = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTyear = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ xamatAES,
	author = {X. Amatriain and P. Herrera},
	title = {{Transmitting Audio Content as Sound Objects}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the AES 22nd Conference on Virtual, Synthetic, and Entertainment Audio}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Helsinki},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {Audio Engineering Society},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ xamatContentTransmissionDAFX,
	author = {X. Amatriain and P. Herrera},
	title = {{Audio Content Transmission}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings for the 4th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX01)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Limerick},
	OPTmonth = {December},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InBook{ xamatDAFXChapter,
	author = {X. Amatriain and J. Bonada and A. Loscos and X. Serra},
	title = {{DAFX: Digital Audio Effects (Udo Zölzer ed.)}},
	chapter = {{Spectral Processing}},
	publisher = {John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.},
	OPTcrossref = {dafx},
	year = {2002},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTtype = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTedition = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	pages = {373-438},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ xamatJNMR,
	author = {X. Amatriain and J. Bonada and A. Loscos and J. L. Arcos and V. Verfaille},
	title = {{Content-based Transformations}},
	journal = {{Journal of New Music Research}},
	year = {2003},
	OPTkey = {},
	volume = {32},
	number = {1},
	OPTpages = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ xamatMosart,
	author = {X. Amatriain and J. Bonada and A. Loscos and X. Serra},
	title = {{Spectral Modeling for Higher-level Sound Transformations}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the first MOSART Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music}},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2001},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	OPTaddress = {},
	OPTmonth = {},
	OPTorganization = {},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ xamatOOPSLADemo,
	author = {X. Amatriain and M. de Boer and E. Robledo and D. Garcia},
	title = {{CLAM: An OO Framework for Developing Audio and Music Applications}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems and Application (OOPSLA 2002)(Companion Material)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Seattle, USA},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {ACM},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@InProceedings{ xamatOOPSLAPoster,
	author = {X. Amatriain and P. Arumí and M. Ramírez},
	title = {{CLAM, Yet Another Library for Audio and Music Processing?}},
	booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Object Oriented Programming, Systems and Application (OOPSLA 2002)(Companion Material)}},
	OPTcrossref = {},
	OPTkey = {},
	OPTpages = {},
	year = {2002},
	OPTeditor = {},
	OPTvolume = {},
	OPTnumber = {},
	OPTseries = {},
	address = {Seattle, USA},
	OPTmonth = {},
	organization = {ACM},
	OPTpublisher = {},
	OPTnote = {},
	OPTannote = {}

@Article{ PastPresentFutureOfUISoftwareTools,
	title = {Past, present, and future of user interface software tools},
	author = {Brad Myers and Scott E. Hudson and Randy Pausch},
	journal = {ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)},
	volume = {7},
	number = {1},
	month = mar,
	year = {2000},
	key = {event languages, interface builders, scripting languages, toolkits, user interface development environments, user interface software},
	abstract = {A user interface software tool helps developers design and implement the user interface. Research on past tools has had enormous impact on today's developers—virtually all applications today are built using some form of user interface tool. In this article, we consider cases of both success and failure in past user interface tools. From these cases we extract a set of themes which can serve as lessons for future work. Using these themes, past tools can be characterized by what aspects ... },
	localfile = {\&coll=portal\&dl=ACM\&CFID=9337481\&CFTOKEN=66084411}

@PhDThesis{ GrexEmpiricalSwEngineering,
	title = {Empirical Software Engineering research on libre software: data sources, methodologies and resultsOURCES, METHODOLOGIES AND RESULTS },
	author = {Gregorio Robles},
	school = {Universidad Rey Juan Carlos},
	year = {2005},
	localfile = {}

@InProceedings{ GreenEventLanguages,
	title = {The University of Alberta User Interface Management System.},
	booktitle = {ACM Conference on Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH ’85)},
	author = {M. Green},
	pages = {205--203},
	year = {1985},
	location = {San Francisco, CA}

@InBook{ NewProductDevelopment,
	title = {The PDMA Handbook of New Product Development},
	author = {Kenneth B. Kahn},
	publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
	pages = {173--187},
	edition = {Second},
	chapter = {12},
	year = {2004}

@Article{ TimeToMarket,
	title = {New Product Development Structures and Time-to-Market },
	author = {Srikant Datar and Clark Jordan and Sunder Kekre and Surendra Rajiv and Kannan Srinivasan},
	journal = {Management Science},
	pages = {pp. 452--464},
	volume = {43},
	number = {4, Frontier Research in Manufacturing and Logistics},
	month = apr,
	year = {1997}

@InProceedings{ ArumiPlop06,
	title = {A Data-flow Pattern Catalog for Sound and Music Computing},
	booktitle = {Pattern Language of Programming PLoP 2006},
	author = {P. Arumí and D. Garcia and X. Amatrian},
	month = oct,
	year = {2006}

@Article{ ReducingTimeToMarketWithPrototyping,
	title = {Reducing the Time to Market Through Rapid Prototyping},
	author = {Apostolos Dollas and Nick Kanopoulos},
	journal = {Computer},
	pages = { pp. 14--15},
	volume = {28},
	number = {2},
	month = feb,
	year = {1995},
	doi = {},
	localfile = {\&toc=comp/mags/co/1995/02/r2toc.xml\&DOI=10.1109/MC.1995.10018}

@PhDThesis{ ArumiDea,
	author = {Arumí, P. },
	title = {Towards a Pattern Language for Sound and Music Computing},
	year = {2006},
	school = {Universitat Pompeu Fabra},
	address = {Barcelona, Spain},
	month = jul

@Electronic{ www-Glade,
	title = {Glade home page},
	url = {}

# DSLs

@inProceedings{ LaddRamming-UVHLLS1994,
	author = {Ladd, D. A. and Ramming, J. C.},
	title = {Two application languages in software production},
	booktitle = {USENIX Very High Level Languages Symposium Proceedings},
	pages = {169--178},
	year = {1994},
	month = {October}

@inProceedings{ Bruce-WhatMakesGoodDSL,
	author = {D. Bruce},
	title = {What makes a good domain-specific language. APOSTLE, and its approach to parallel discrete event simulation},
	booktitle = {First ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Domain-Specific Languages in association with POPL''97},
	editor = {S. Kamin},
	pages = {17--35},
	year = {1997}

	author = {van Deursen, Arie and Klint, Paul and Visser, Joost},
	title = {Domain-Specific Languages; An Annotated Bibliography},
	journal = {ACM SIGPLAN Notices},
	volume = {35-6},
	year = {2000},
	month = {June}

	author = {van Deursen, Arie and Klint, Paul},
	title = {Little languages: Little maintenance?},
	journal = {Journal of Software Maintenance},
	volume = {10},
	pages = {75-92},
	year = {1998}

	author = {Neighbors},
	title = {The Draco approach to constructing software from reusable components},
	journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
	volume = {10-5},
	year = {1984},

# Frameworks

	author = { Schulzrinne, H. and Casner, S. and Frederick, R. and Jacobson, V.},
	title = {{ A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications.}},
	journal = {Audio-Video Transport Working Group.},
	number = {RFC 1889 (Status: Informational)},
	month = {January},
	year = {1996}

@PhdThesis{ ValoisThesis,
	author = {Valois, John D.},
	year = {1995},
	title = {Lock Free Data Structures},
	school = {Renssselaer Polytechnic Institute}

@inProceedings{ IslandsOfMusic,
	author = { Peter Knees and Markus Schedl and Tim Pohle and Gerhard Widmer},
	title = {{An Innovative Three-Dimensional User Interface for Exploring Music Collections Enriched with Meta-Information from the Web}},
	booktitle = {The 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
	pages= {17-24},
	address = {Santa Barbara,California}

	institution = "Grame",
	title = {Optimised Lock-Free FIFO Queue},
	author = {D. Fober and Y. Orlarey and S. Letz},
	number = {01-01-01},
	month = {January},
	year = {2001}
	institution = "Grame",
	title = {Optimised Lock-Free FIFO Queue continued},
	author = {D. Fober and Y. Orlarey and S. Letz},
	number = {TR-050523},
	month = {May},
	year = {2005}

@article{ green96usability,
    author = "T. R. G. Green and Marian Petre",
    title = "Usability Analysis of Visual Programming Environments: A 'Cognitive Dimensions' Framework",
    journal = "Journal of Visual Languages and Computing",
    volume = "7",
    number = "2",
    pages = "131-174",
    year = "1996",
    url = ""

  author = 	 {S. Burbeck},
  title = 	 {Application programming in Smalltalk-80: How to use Model-View-Controller (MVC)},
  institution =  {Xerox PARC},
  year = 	 {1987},
  OPTkey = 	 {},
  OPTtype = 	 {},
  OPTnumber = 	 {},
  OPTaddress = 	 {},
  OPTmonth = 	 {},
  OPTnote = 	 {},
  OPTannote = 	 {}

  author = 	 {David A. Wilson},
  ALTeditor = 	 {},
  title = 	 {Programming With Macapp},
  publisher = 	 {Addison-Wesley},
  year = 	 {1990},
  OPTkey = 	 {},
  OPTvolume = 	 {},
  OPTnumber = 	 {},
  OPTseries = 	 {},
  OPTaddress = 	 {},
  OPTedition = 	 {},
  OPTmonth = 	 {},
  OPTnote = 	 {},
  OPTannote = 	 {}

#Visual Languages

	author = {M. Hirakawa and T. Ichikawa},
	chapter = {{Visual Languages Studies - A perspective}},
	title = {Software Concepts and Tools},
	pages = {61-67},
	year = {1994}

	author = {Tim Menzies},
	title = {Evaluation Issues for Visual Programming Languages},
	booktitle = {Handbook on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering},
	volume = {2},
	year ={2001}

	author = {T.R.G Green and Marian Petre and R. K. E. Bellamy},
	title = {Comprehensibility of visual and textual programs. The test of superlativism against the "match-mismatch" conjecture},
	booktitle= {Empirical Studies of Programers Fourth Workshop},
	year = {1991}

	author = {T.R.G Green and Marian Petre},
	title = {Cognitive dimensions discussion tools for programming language design.},
	journal = {Human Computer Interaction},
	year = {1997}

	author ={T.G. Moher and D.C Mak and L. Blumenthal and L.M. Leventhal},
	title = {{Comparing the comprehensibility of textual and graphical programs: The case of Petri nets.}},
	booktitle = {Empirical Studies of Programmers, Fifth Workshop},

 author = {Margaret M. Burnett and Marla J. Baker and Carisa Bohus and Paul Carlson and Sherry Yang and Pieter van Zee},
 title = {Scaling Up Visual Programming Languages},
 journal = {Computer},
 volume = {28},
 number = {3},
 year = {1995},
 issn = {0018-9162},
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