digraph example { rankdir=LR; bgcolor="#ffffaa"; node [fontname=Arial, fontsize=10]; edge [color=red, style=bold, fontsize=9]; // Actors { node [shape=custom, shapefile="Actor.png", width=.352, height=0.77, fixedsize=true, color="#ffffaa", label="\n\n\n\n\n\n\N"] Shark Submariner Pirate Merchant } // System Use Cases subgraph clusterSystem { label="Sea"; // Name your system here fillcolor="#ffffdd"; style=filled; color=black; // The system box node [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor="#ccffcc", color="#558855"] Batism Inmersion "Eat pirates" // You can name it with spaces // But is better to use a 'label' property to make easier the references Tresour [label="Find a tresour"] Attack [label="Attack ships"] Escafandrarse [label="Put on the\nescafandre"] // Multiline Ron [label="Drink Ron"] SellGoods Navigate GaleonPiloting [label="Navigate in galeon"] BuyGoods [label="Buy Goods"] } // Uses Submariner -> Inmersion Submariner -> Batism Pirate -> Attack Pirate -> Ron Merchant -> SellGoods Shark -> "Eat pirates" // Extensions { edge [label="<<extends>>", dir=back] Inmersion -> Tresour } // Inclusions { edge [label="<<includes>>"] Inmersion -> Escafandrarse SellGoods -> Navigate SellGoods -> BuyGoods Attack -> GaleonPiloting } // Generalizations { edge [arrowsize=1.5, arrowtail=empty, dir=back, constraint=false] Inmersion -> Batism Navigate -> GaleonPiloting } }