Wiko, the Wiki Compiler
WiKo is a very simple but powerful python script which takes files with wiki content in a given directory and either builds a web, a LaTeX article or a blog. It is very recommended to use it in tandem with a collaborative versioning system such as cvs or subversion in order to publish on commit.
Main benefits of using WiKo are:
- An easy and readable wiki like format that generates LaTeX and HTML indistinctly
- You can use your favourite text editor instead web forms to edit content
- You don't need to reformat content to reuse it from the web to a LaTeX article or to a blog.
- You can change the look of your entire site by changing common headers, side bars, footers and styling in a pair of files which are content independent. And still it is an static web site.
- You can put your web site or your article under a versioning system (cvs, svn...) for collaborative elaboration and having a published version that updates on commit.
Common formatting
- Text formating: bold, italics...
- Hypertext and anchoring: links and the like
- Lists and enumerations
- Table of content generation for HTML pages
- LaTeX constructs supported on both formats: figures, formulae, bibliography, footnotes...
- Automatic recompilation of some image formats (dia->eps/png, dot->eps/png, eps->pdf...)
- User definable paragraphs types
- Useful constructs for elaboration such as to-do notes and reviewers notes
The blog mode takes the wiki files as blog entries and combines and distributes them in different pages and RSS's according to attributes you can define for each entry such as publication date, author, tags...
- a front page with newer entries,
- RSS file with the last entries
- filtered pages with entries by the same author or with a given tag,
- objects for the sidebar with archived entries and tags list
This script has been developed mainly by David Garcia Garzon and Pau Arumi Albo. They developed the script for their own personal use on their webs, scientific articles and even their thesis. See at the WiKo examples page.